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They were knowledgable � of BALANCE, of GOOD UNDERSTANDING, common
sense, and
and capa.ble minds. They simply were not trained in
the acquired higher social mannerisms and culture of the time, that
ante-dated modern "scholarship"--injected by Satan in� time.
The Apostle Paul was perhaps better educated in the world's
knowledge than the twelve, but by no means a "scholar," like the mod­
ern variety.
I suppose it is natural that I should have asked myself many
times why God called such an unscholarly man as I. I have known
scores of men of better minds, greater mental capacity, superior abil­
ities, more stature and appearance and personality. Many or most
of these were "successful" in the world, as the world evaluates suc­
While I have known many of better minds, still I believe God
gave me a good mind, and a natural gift of understanding--and a good
deal of common sense. I am certainly no "scholar" nor an "intellec­
tual." I am sure the "scholars" consider themselves very superior
to me. But this I know: when God conquered me, brought me to BELIEVE
in Him--and further, to BELIEVE HIM--believe what He says, I was wil­
ling to accept it. God revealed to me early that HE is a God who
WILL NOT COMPROMISE. He will not WATER DOWN His Truth. It would
have been easier for God to have compromised just a little with His
Law --to just say, "I have power to forgive sins by simply SUSPENDING
the PENALTY of sin." That way He could have prevented sacrificing
His only begotton Son, and Jesus could have escaped the agony of a
humiliating death. But rather than water down, or compromise one
trillionth part of an inch with His Law, God paid our penalty in our
stead by giving His Son Jesus, and Jesus paid the death penalty to
save us from the penalty of our sins--the second death (man already
was consigned to die the first death BEFORE Christ came "as in Adam
all die.")
Therefore I know I was willing to let God put it in my heart
If I am proved wrong on a point I will change. My mind will
be open for truth new to me--and all this has been abundantly proven.
Perhaps that may partly explain how Christ came to choose as His
Apostle one who would consider himself a lowly worm.
I was discussing this matter of intellectualism and scholarship
with Mr. Rader. Out of curiosity, grinning a little, I asked him,
"How would you categorize me, in this regard?"
"Well, definitely you are not a scholar or an intellectual--but
you are a well-educated man who has understanding, common sense, and
What is the magnet that draws certain ones to train for "scholarship?"
First, I believe it is that inner feeling of inferiority which
I believe we all have--but we don't like to admit it. However, we
desire to find a way to �ri�e over it" to relieve our consciences,
and, further, there is the magnet of· intellectual vanity.