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VOL.7, N0.7
FEBRUARY 15, 1985
With the U.S. festival coordinators meetings approaching, I am reminded of
a subject that we need to mention from time to time throughout the year.
Each year, shortly before the Feast of Tabernacles, we remind the brethren
that anyone who has a communicable illness should not attend the festival.
However, we need to keep the same principle in mind year-round with regard
to Sabbath services and church activities.
If a person is ill with a cold, flu, cough, or other illness that can be
spread to others, he or she should not come to services or church activi­
ties. If a child has a contagious illness, he or she should not be brought
to services. Parents should learn the symptoms of childhood illnesses and
be concerned about the welfare of others so that no one is needlessly ex­
posed. If there is any doubt about whether to come to services when ill, or
whether to bring a sick child, members should call a minister. Ministers,
of course, are not doctors, and should not advise as if they were doctors.
They should advise anyone whose symptoms seem to indicate a communicable
disease to stay home until he is well, or until a medical doctor diagnoses
him as not being contagious.
Occasionally a baby will have symptoms from teething that resemble a cold
but are not--such as a runny nose, slight fever, or diarrhea. Parents in
God's Church should not assume their baby is only teething and therefore
allow other children to be exposed to him at services or church activities.
Babies exhibiting such symptoms should be kept at home if for no other
reason than to avoid setting a wrong example for others who may not realize
the baby is only teething. It is not wise or right in God's sight to take
chances with the health and well�being of others.
As Mr. Armstrong has explained (see PASTOR GENERAL's REPORT, August 17,
1984), if a person who has a contagious illness is anointed, he should wait
until all symptoms are gone, and he is totally well before coming back to
services. Let him be healed on the strength of his faith, but he should not
return to services and· possibly expose others until every physical symptom
is gone, and the healing is complete.
God's Law is a law of love. It is based upon true concern for the good and
well-being of others. God Himself authored the laws of quarantine in the
ancient nation of Israel. Those laws are based on love for fellowman. As
God's spiritual Israelites today, we do not want to become inconsiderate or
selfish by attending services or activities when we have illnesses that can
be spread to others.
I'd like to ask your prayers for the upcoming festival coordinators meet­
ings, to be held February 22nd and 24th. Coordinators representing each of
the 24 U.S. Feast sites (including China and Jerusalem) as well as repre­
sentatives from the Canadian, Spanish, French and Italian Feast sites will
be attending.
Cl 18MWondwideChwch ofGod