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us surpass $300 billion, and two years after tha.
t we reached $400
billion. Now we are looking at a "lean and tight" $500 billion, with
the trillion-dollar budget lurking just arcund the corner.
rhere's another way of looking at the alarming increase in federal
expenditures. In 1929 the total operational budget of the federal
government came to a mere $2.6 billion. Looking at the projected
1979 outlay of $500 billion-plus, that represents an increase of
roughly 20,000 percent in the span of half a century -- a period in
which the population of the country was growing approximately 80
percent. Some say, sure, but inflation is re�ponsible for
part of
this bloat. But stop: Inflation is caused preciaely by governmental
over spending. When one measures federal spending as a percentage
of the gross national product, discounting for inflation, the following
appears: In 1929 the Feds took 2.5 percent of GNP; today, their take
is roughly 23 percent.
The truth is that Mr. Carter, or any president is almost powerless
over the budget, which now generates its own inertia. Carter calls
the 1979 budget his budget, but the official who runs the administra­
tion's budget office admits the Chief Executive has discretion over
only 15 to 25 billion dollars -- or 5% -- of the projected $500
billion. The rest is already built in, the result from previously
mandated programs.
There's one more way of looking at the half-trillion dollar figure.
If you had started out at the birth of Christ spending $700,000 a day,
every day of the year, you wculd just now have succeeded in getting
rid of $500 billion. We are going to spend that much in a single
year, and by present calculations will double the outlay -- $1
trillion or more -- by fiscal 1986!
--Gene Hogberg, News Bureau
The following letters show how different people look at the same
thing. One persc:n finds answers in our literature while the other
stumbles, gets up, brushes himself off and indignantly moves on.
I have truly gained in knowledge and received much pleasure
from all the materials you have sent me. I am a Southern
Baptist and I was never so surprised to find I have always
taught the exact opposite from what the Bible says. I am also
surprised that all this material is sent to me free and post­
paid. Besides that I have never been asked for a single
dime from you. You will never know how grateful I am for
completely clearing my mind on a lot of things which just
aren•t there.
--Harold K. Smith (Akron, AL}
Please remove my name from your files. We are Bible believing
Christians and as such I want none of your blasphemous doctrine
in my home. You may not believe in a literal hell but believe
me, you will have an instant change of mind when you wake up
--Doris Miller (Decatur, AL}
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