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trary to His will. It is natural, it seems, for the human mind to think,
"My situation is different," "They don't understand my needs," or, "We'll
just go ahead and do it our way here." That is exactly the type of reason­
ing Lucifer used.
It is presumptuous. Of course, it is easy to begin
thinking that way, but it must be diligently guarded against! Satan is in­
terested in influencing you to cultivate a divisive spirit. He does it
slowly and subtly. It starts out small. But it grows. Most of you are
aware of some of those who have allowed this spirit to develop to the point
that they are no longer in God's Church. It can happen to you! It creeps
up on you!
Do you spend time "second guessing" Headquarters? Or is your attitude one
of wholehearted desire to serve God faithfully, SUPPORTING AND BACKING the
government He has placed in His Church? Do you consider it disloyal and
distasteful to speak negatively about Headquarters' instructions, policies
and procedures? Or is such talk a way of life with you? Think seriously
about your own personal attitude. Don't think it is not reflected in your
performance in your local congregation. It is! And God knows it is.
There is a right way to approach a matter with which you may feel there is a
problem. Simply contact Headquarters about it. Don't spread a disagree­
ment to others, thereby undermining their spiritual development and poten­
tially offending one of God's begotten children. That is what the devil
would like you to do.
Once you have contacted Headquarters about a matter, be willing to abide
the decision. God is training us to be a part of His coming government. He
holds us ministers responsible for setting a right example for His Spirit­
begotten children in His congregations. You are on dangerous ground if you
violate that trust by showing an uncooperative or resistant attitude
through words or actions. It harms God's people when you don't respond to
His government in His Church. And you can be� God notices.
I tremble for a minister when I hear he has neglected backing up or comply­
ing with a directive from Headquarters, or has simply � off immediate
compliance till he "has time" to find out if he can be an exception. What
do you think God has to say about such an example? Is He pleased? Think
about it! Yet, sometimes we can fall into that trap if we are not carefully
seeking to have the mind of Christ through His Spirit. I'm quite sure no
such attitude will ever exist in God's Family!
Let's seek God daily in prayer for the pure, faithful attitude of unity He
wants us to have. Unity is a beautiful thing in God's sight. It is some­
thing that will last forever in His Kingdom. As His servants today, let us
strive all the more to fulfill our individual responsibilities to maintain
Godly unity in His Church now.
International News
From Mr. Frank Schnee The work of God's Church in the German-speaking area
was able to achieve good growth and at the same time achieve a degree of
consolidation in 1984. In addition to our office in Bonn, we opened sub­
offices for mail receiving in Salzburg, Austria and Zurich, Switzerland.
Advertising continued to be a main thrust for adding new subscribers to the
German PLAIN TRUTH (KLAR & WAHR). During 1984 we added a total of 65,000