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VOL•7, NO. 20
MAY 17, 1985
Monday, May 13, Mr. Herbert Armstrong and his party left Jordan for Israel,
where they will be staying for several days. So far, communications with
the group show that all is going extremely well, especially with Mr. Arm­
strong's meetings. We'11 be hearing more details from Mr. Aaron Dean in THE
WORLDWIDE NEWS, and from Mr. Armstrong himself upon his return.
continue to pray for the health and inspiration of God's apostle, and for
the continued success of the entire trip.
Over the past several years a number of YOU or YES regional m1n1-camps have
been organized in some of the local areas by the local ministry and member­
ship. Mr. Armstrong recently discussed this subject with Mr. Kevin Dean,
Director of YOU, and myself, as well as his personal aide, Mr. Aaron Dean.
Mr. Armstrong was concerned about the magnitude of some of these camps, and
the burden they are placing upon the local membership in terms of fundrais­
ing activities, work projects, camp staffing, ministerial workload and the
time it takes to support such an activity. He explained that the purpose of
YOU and YES is to draw families together, not to pull them apart. While a
mini-camp may on the surface appear to be a beneficial activity, and in many
ways certainly is, the expense, time, and effort to make it work can actual­
ly cause families to be apart more than together. Mr. Armstrong felt that
the local YOU and preteen programs should provide enough opportunities for
young people without the added burden of regional mini-camps.
If we are not careful, we can allow more and more activities to become the
primary focus of the local congregation. Mr. Armstrong has often expressed
that we must avoid letting the local congregation degenerate into a social
club. Local activities are important and in moderation are good. But un­
less we are careful, they can easily mushroom and begin to divert our minds
from the true purpose of our calling as part of God's Church. Notice what
Mr. Armstrong wrote years ago in the November, 1964 issue of The GOOD NEWS
in an article entitled "Local Assemblies Are Not Social Clubs":
Brethren, if we are to continue to grow--and to grow SPIRITUALLY
as well as in number--we must remember that the PURPOSE of the
Church is, first, to GO INTO ALL THE WORLD and preach Christ's
GOSPEL. The FIRST commission to the Church is just that••••
Anyone who does not have his whole heart in that Work is NOT A
MEMBER OF GOD'S TRUE CHURCH, and has no right whatsoever to at­
tend or fellowship in any of its local congregations. The very
FIRST purpose, then, of each local congregation is the FIRST pur­
pose of God's Church as a whole--to encourage, pray for, hear re­
ports about, and help--in whatever manner may be possible--the
great Work of God in preaching and publishing the true GOSPEL to
all the world.