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VOL.7, N0.25
JUNE 21, 1985
The September issue of The PLAIN TRUTH will carry the ninth and final in­
stallment of the series of articles on childrearing. Be sure to encourage
the members to read all these articles, and to occasionally review them.
All ministers should also read these articles carefully, and make use of
the principles set forth in them in their own families, in counselling and
in Bible studies and sermons. Improper childrearing is certainly one of
the major problems in the world today, especially in the Western nations.
Family relations is an area in which we will always need to be giving qual­
ity, balanced instruction, especially as God grants increased growth in His
Church. Let's be sure we are continually making full use of the fine in­
structional material available to us in The PLAIN TRUTH, GOOD NEWS, YOUTH
Mr. Dean May has informed me that new legislation affecting the use of fleet
vehicles by the U.S. ministry has gone into effect. The House and Senate
have passed bills repealing the controversial law that had required tax­
payers to keep detailed daily logs of business use of automobiles. That law
was enacted last year as part of the Deficit Reduction Act, and drew vocif­
erous protest from many segments. The bill repealing those requirements
has now been signed by President Reagan.
In attempting to implement last summer's Deficit Reduction Act, the Inter­
nal Revenue Service had promulgated guidelines calling for many burdensome
contemporaneous records. The new bill has ended those strict contemporane­
ous record-keeping requirements, reestablishing the former practice of pro­
viding "substantiating evidence." Personal use of company cars must still
be reported on employee tax returns.
Where does this leave us now? It appears that ministers on the fleet pro­
gram need not keep a detailed daily log book. However, evidence should be
accumulated to substantiate our estimation of personal usage. There is !!.2
question we must still keep records to know what our personal usage is. � he
monthly chargeback for personal usage will probably satisfy the tax liabil­
ity based on current IRS regulations. Congress has requested the IRS to
write new regulations on these provisions before October 1, 1985. We will
keep you informed of any further developments in this regard. (Please see
the box on page 2.)
Please note that all fleet drivers from the Pasadena and Big Sandy Corpo­
rate Fleets will receive additional instructions on personal use of their
cars in the near future.
On another subject, I would like to request that we all be praying fervently
for Mrs. Leonard Schreiber, who is suffering from melanoma, a very serious
form of skin cancer. Many have expressed their concern for Mrs. Schreiber,
and I know the Schreibers appreciate the prayerful support they are receiv­
ing from God's people and their fellow ministers.
e 1985 Worldwide Church ot God