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VOL. 3, NO. 1
JANUARY 8, 1979
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong is now writing a member letter in which he
is revealing the facts about a Satanic conspiracy to destroy the Work
of God.
This Pastor's Report contains excerpts of the afternoon Sabbath services
conducted in Ambassador Auditorium on January 6, 1979. Messers. Ellis
LaRavia, Roderick Meredith, Stanley Rader and Ralph Helge spoke to
the congregation. Tapes of the entire proceedings are being sent simulĀ­
taneously with this Pastor's Report to all PASTORS OF CHURCHES worldwide.
Mr. Herbert Armstrong has ordered that all pastors play these tapes in
their entirety to their congregations during Sabbath services, January
13. The information in this Pastor's Report clearly reveals a Satanic
conspiracy to DESTROY the one true church which Jesus Christ has raised
up through Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong!
On Friday afternoon, January 5th, in Superior Court of Los Angeles,
California, Honorable Judge Vernon Foster heard arguments for and against
the dissolution of the rest of the orders and dismissal of the receiver
ordered by the court on the ex parte petition of the plaintiffs who were
former members of the Church of God. Mr. La Ravia recounted for the
brethren the results of the hearing before the sermon which uas given by
Mr. Meredith. Following are excerpts of Mr. La Ravia's report.
* * * * *
Good afternoon again to all of you. You know, there are Sabbath Days
and then there are Sabbath Days.
Well, for the last three days it has been very nightmarish. There has
been a lot of confusion, a lot of turmoil and a lot of misunderstanding,
and it has created a great deal of distress for this Headquarters Church
area and of course around the world. And we tried to clarify some of
the things yesterday /at the 9:00 a.m. special service in the Auditorium,
Jan. 57 and where we are going and what the problems were and how we
hoped-to resolve them. And I don't want to rehash a lot of those things
now, but our concern has to be now for the welfare of the Church, God's
people around the world, and for the conduct of this work.
I would like to go over with you briefly where we are in terms of the
court hearing that ended last evening. Now for those of you who were
not there, we did start somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 o'clock and
did run until approximately 8:40 in the evening, so it was a very
lengthy session. It was very hot and stuffy. I think we must have had
five, six hundred people there, maybe more. At least that many. And it was