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American patriotism, though there are signs of revival, may never
again be what it��· And it . is . t � ue that we can't demand
that loyalty to the nation be every 1nd1v1dual's highest loyalty.
But if we mean to survive, we had better make it clear that we
expect every American citizen to find some place for loyalty to
his country among his own hierarchy of affections. An emphatic
way to make the point would be to seek the death penalty for any­
one who puts at risk the lives and liberties of his 240 million
fellow citizens.
The same issue of NATIONAL REVIEW had a to-the-point one-liner about the
Walker case: "The family that spies together, fries together." But the
American Civil Liberties Union would never stand for that. The Walker case
exemplifies the end-time phenomenon prophesied in Matthew 24:12: "And be­
cause lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold" (RAV).
--Gene H. Hogberg, News Bureau