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Last month I mentioned how few people •pay the bi11• for all these
expenses, and how many receive the benefit. Most people see the tele­
cast, read the literature and don't help at all. You may be interested
to know that about 2 % of the readers of The Plain Truth supply the
financial support. We can put this another way. Less than two in 100
pay the bill and 98 others receive the benefit.
--Leroy Neff, Treasurer's Office
Mr. Herbert Armstrong has decided to put even stronger emphasis on the
Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course.
As you know, the
Correspondence Course has served for years as the •nuts and bolts• of
study for those God is calling, as well as for the continuing study and
sharpening of understanding for those baptized members of His Church.
Mr. Armstrong feels it is time to focus even more strongly upon the
development of new lessons in preparation for stepped-up advertising of
the Course.
To give Mr. Richard Sedliacik the opportunity to devote his full time
and attention to the course, Mr. Armstrong has transferred the produc­
tion of the Pastor General's Report to Ministerial Services, beginning
with the September 6 issue.
Mr. Sedliacik is now concentrating his
energies fully upon the expansion of the Correspondence Course. I know
many of you ministers will appreciate the additional growth and promo­
tion of this important phase of God's work.
You will also notice that beginning with the August 30 issue of the
Pastor General's Report, Mr. Gene Hogberg's •on the World Scene• will
appear biweekly. This will ease Mr. Hogberg's heavy schedule, freeing
him to do more writing for The Plain Truth by reducing the number of
pressing geadlines. I know all of you greatly appreciate Mr. Hogberg's
in-depth analysis of major current events and issues. This will con­
tinue to be an important part of the Pastor General's Report every
other week. (We will be including other material on alternate weeks.)
Several weeks ago, Dr. David Albert gave an outstanding sermon on the
subject of fatherhood that Mr. Armstrong felt should be played in all
congregations. That sermon was not mailed out at the time due to the
fact that Mr. David Hulme's message on liberalism and Dr. Clint
Zimmerman's sermon on marriage were also in the works. Although we are
now in the process of sending it out, I'd like each pastor to hold it
till after the Feast before playing it. It should not be used as a
"fill-in• message when part of the congregation is· missing just before
the Feast.
I hope each of you pastors realize the importance of these sermons from
Headquarters. Mr. Armstrong feels all members should hear them. They
should be played on Sabbaths when the most brethren will be present.
They should not just be played for Bible Study when fewer brethren are