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Cash Flow
Mr. Armstrong has often stated that when our ways please
God, He will bless us. It is obvious that God has granted unprece­
dented growth to the Church over the last five years. Many new doors
have opened, offering greater opportunities to fulfill the responsi­
bility God has given us to proclaim the Gospel of His soon-coming
·Kingdom. Along with these open doors comes the continuing responsi­
bility to see that our ways keep pleasing God.
Over the last few weeks, it has become apparent that we will be experi­
encing a cash-flow problem during the first quarter of next year,
unless there is a dramatic upturn in income between now and then. Goa·
has given us much growth and has opened many doors. We have, as God
has always led us to do, walked through as many of those doors as
seemed prudent, asking for God's guidance. We must trust God for His
blessing to be able to make all the resulting financial commitments.
However, we in Pasadena must also be constantly aware that God holds us
responsible as good stewards to hold back on any less important areas
of expense that do not relate so directly to fulfilling the commission
God has given us.
In - addition, we must continually evaluate the
television stations we are using, dropping those that are less
productive and using the funds to cultivate those that are more produc­
tive. In the same way, we must regularly evaluate our newsstand out­
lets, placing "The Plain Truth" magazines we have available in the most
productive locations. In all this we need God's Spirit to lead and
direct us in making the decisions He wants made.
As part of the overall effort to bring our reserves up to the point
that the projected cash-flow problem can be controlled, we are request­
ing that U.S. and Canadian church pastors do what many of you have
already volunteered many times before, w�ich is to send � -f!,S
contribut1; ci n ¥_�llJ
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loGal cpurch acti,vi.t:t.,.,�s. The com fne� total of
these accoufit:s will be of significant help 1n shoring up our year-end
reserves in preparation for the next quarter's expenditures. (Rather
than closing these accounts out totally, you should plan
leave a
token amount in so that the accounts can remain open.>
Obviously this will represent a special sacrifice on the parts of your
congregations. This will mean that u comin Church activities, tourna-
ments, etc. will nee
e canceled or the time e1ng.
I know, however, that the hearts of God's people� tuned in to His
Work. The events of the rast several years have proven that. The broad
majority will appreciate the opportunity to help the Work in this way.
In one way, I hate to make this request, but in another, I know God
also appreciates our unrelenting commitment to Him and our willingness
to do all we can in these final days of the devil's society.