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The process of examining ourselves is not limited to Passover time. It
should be an ongoing process that continues all year round, especially
during times of need, emergency or difficulty. We are all human and we
are all subject to sin. Let us seek God's help in recognizing and
actively going to work on those areas of our lives that are not prop­
erly reflecting the example and mind of Jesus Christ.
None of us has any power .Qn his own to do the work of God's ministry.
We are only effective tools for God's use to the extent that we submit
ourselves to Him and allow Him to work through us. Let's each be sure
that we are not preventing God from using us effectively because of a
stubborn or hardheaded or neglectful attitude on our part.
As God's ministry, let's make an extra special effort at this time to
draw close to Him, thereby drawing closer to one another as His unified
body, bonded together by His love, which is the fulfilling of His law.
Growth As Mr. Richard Rice describes later in this issue, we were
delighted with the record-breaking telephone responses to the last two
telecasts. Each weekend brought in well over 25,000 calls! This kind
of response is due in part to the effect of the new television stations
added this year. God has given us great blessings in growth during
these past 12 months. But, again, I stress that we must each recognize
the need to do our part individually to draw close to God, to be
pleasing Him. This is God's work! He will see it done. But God has
chosen to work through human instruments. And as Mr. Armstrong has
often pointed out, we can be responsible, by our own lack of spiritual
growth, for God not fully blessing us as He otherwise would.
Let's take seriously this calling God has given us! What could ever be
more important? If we are not progressing spiritually, if we are only
standing still, only trying to just "hang in there,• then we are going
The apostle Paul admonishes us in Galatians 6: 9, "And let us not be
weary in well-doing:
for in due season we shall reap, if we faint
not." We cannot spiritually afford to let down in prayer, in Bible
study or in regular fasting. Don't permit yourself to •take it easy.•
As Paul told Timothy, •stir up the gift of God [the Holy Spirit] which
is in you• (II Timothy 1: 6). God has given us His great mercy and
grace and His power to do His will, if we will only use it. Let us
carry on faithfully and faint not!
lleat in Dae Season It is always a good idea about this time of year to
give a sermon regarding Christmas, its origins and observance, and why
God's people do not keep it. Pastors might also assign a sermonette or
two to cover the balanced Christian approach to dealing with relatives,
friends, school activities, etc. on the subject of Christmas. Mr.
Herbert Armstrong's •Personal• entitled •Have You Tried to Convert
Others• in the December, 1985, "Good News• gives excellent instruction
on how to follow Jesus' example in working with others. Other material
specifically pertinent to Christmas can also be found in the same
issue, as well as in issues of •The Plain Truth• and • The Good News•
of previous years.
Try to keep attuned to what topics might be of value at specific times
in the year, so your topics are always timely and interest-evoking.