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to God? And why Jesus said, "You are the salt of the earth; but if the
salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned?"
God enjoys our prayers. He wants to hear usl We provide the only
continuous, righteous, God-oriented, meaningful conversation God hears
from deceived humanity! Encourage God's people to do their part.
effectual fervent prayers of God's people do avail much!
I have asked Ross Jutsum of our·Music Services Department to produce
cassette tapes of appropriate music for Church dances that will be made
available to all Church pastors in the next few weeks. These tapes will
contain a wide variety of acceptable dance music for all ages and will be
auditioned by several of our Ambassador College faculty members and
Headquarters ministers before my final approval.
Mr. Herbert
Armstrong had made it quite clear for all the Church in the 1984 Festival
film with the Young Ambassadors that most of today's modern music is
literally filled with the glorification and acceptance of every kind of
wrong influence, including drug usage, premarital sex, adultery, homo­
sexuality, dishonor of parents, disrespect of authority, suicide, murder,
property damage, theft and the occult, not to mention the confusion and
discordant wails, moans and shrieks often inherent in the presentation
In his book "The Incredible Human Potential," Mr. Armstrong stated
the following on page 49 of the hardcover edition, speaking of Lucifer
who became Satan the devil:
He was a spirit being--not human flesh. Great genius and skill
in music was created in him. Now that he has become perverted
in all thinking, acting and being, he is the real author of
modern perverted music--of discouraged moods, squawks, wails-­
unhappy, discouraged moods.
Think of all the supreme talent,
ability and potential in a being created with such capacities.
And . all perverted.
All gone out--all dissipated, turned to
hatred, destruction, hopelessness.
Now today's world is � deceived world!
And we, as God's people,
though called out of it, are in the process of conversion, all at differ­
ent levels proceeding at different paces. Some are more attuned to God's
mind than others and can more clearly see the difference between God's
way of give, based on godly love, and the devil's way of get, based on
selfish desires and motivation, greed, self-gratification and vanity.
God has called all of us to be teachers of the whole world in the
future. Right now, some of us, as His ministers, are already teachers of
His firstfruits, helping prepare them for their roles as teachers later.
On this subject of music, we are teachers. We can point out the
principles of God's way of life based on His law of love, and how those
principles apply to music and all entertainment.
Then, those who are
desirous of becoming likeminded with God--that is, those who have sub­
mitted to God's will in their lives--will heed.
But realize this: It will be easier for some,.--t.han for others. Some
\ of these things are deeply ingrained in people. J Your job, as a loving