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VOL • 8 , NO • 2 0
JUNE 24, 1986
Dear Ministers of Jesus Christ,
Construction of the new set for the •world Tomorrow• telecast, which I
mentioned in my last personal letter in •The Worldwide News,• is now well
under way. Although I'll save details about it for a few weeks, I will
say now that I'm sure you'll be as excited and pleased with its dignity
and state-of-the-art versatility as we are. You'll see what can be done
with it on the first program of the new fall season.
The •1986 Envoy• will be going to press in a few days. Along with the
pictorial of the college year, this year's Ambassador yearbook will
contain a special tribute to Mr. Herbert Armstrong. We have chosen the
same deep blue color used for the dust jacket of •Mystery of the Ages" for
the cover of this year's •Envoy.• And on the front cover there will be a
full-color photograph of Mr. Armstrong.
We plan to make this year's
•Envoy• available for the brethren to purchase at the Feast of
I'm also pleased to announce that we are going to begin using uniforms
(see description, next paragraph) this fall at Imperial School. I dis­
cussed the idea at length with Messrs. Larry Salyer and Joseph Locke and
others. I then announced the decision in
letter to parents of children
in Imperial. Already, dozens of extremely positive responses have come
back from'parents--especially those of high-school-age children. Besides
saving money on clothing in the long run, uniforms will virtually
eliminate the traumatic •class distinction• based on clothing that seems
to be a part of high-school life in America. Also, it will improve dress
standards so that the students will arrive at school ready to learn. The
old saying •the clothes make the man• has a degree of truth in it.
Frankly, standards of dress, particularly in California schools, have
deteriorated to the point that our parents need education in order to make
the right kind of selections for their children, and in training their
children about choosing clothing wisely.
I feel strongly that our own Imperial School should and must set a
right example! We have chosen fine quality, sharp-looking uniforms, tliat-
From the Pastor General
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• • 1
From Church Administration • •
From Editorial Services • •
• • 5
From Fleet Administration . • • 6
Mail Processing Update • • • • • 6
the World Scene • • • • • • •10
are practical and dignified. They
also allow for plenty of variety,
combinations and choices.
they are technically uniforms, our
students will be able to wear them
-iooJc9 srmpry-
smartly dress'"ed you'iigsters.
The old Gillette razor-blade ad
advised, •Look sharp, feel sharp,
be sharp.• And that is precisely
wliat we want our Imperial students
to do. These uniforms won't solve
all the students' problems, of
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