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VOL • 8 , NO • 26 'l�-1_
NOVEMBER 4, 1986
Dear Ministers of Jesus Christ,
Operations are again at full pace after a wonderfully inspiring and
exciting Feast of Tabernacles!
Reports from the Festival coordinators
indicate that God blessed us with not only excellent weather, but richly
encouraging messages and a stronger than ever sense of unity and oneness
with Sim and one another. Jesus Christ is indeed our elder brother, the
firstborn of many brethren and the Captain of our salvation. The unity
that is from above, made possible only by the Holy Spirit, is true unity.
We are called sons of
even now, though we are as yet only begotten of
God's Spirit--not yet fully� as Jesus has been.
The strengthening of our physical relationships during the Feast in
the bond of spiritual love is possible because God's Church is a spiritual
family, with each member growing in oneness with the Father and our Elder
Brother through the Holy Spirit. Spiritual unity grows within the Body of
Christ as each of us puts into practice the laws of
that govern
relationships, following the perfect example that Jesus Himself set as a
human being.. The Feast provided an inspiring opportunity for all of us to
be motivated to strive harder to personally overcome and to improve our
relationships with others of the Body, as God's Word teaches us.
I am calling on you ministers, as I mentioned in the sermon on the
Last Great Day, to stir up the brethren in your congregations to see the
need to develop the bondship of godly love for one another. God is love.
When we at last become fully one with God, we, too, will be love. It is
in godly love, or agape, that we must be growing daily.
again, that
love comes only from one source-God Himself, and to us through Bis Holy
Spirit. God gives Bis Spirit to them that obey Sim (Acts 5:32). As we
draw closer to God, overcoming and growing in obedience to Him, we will
also be drawing closer to one another. As we conduct our relationships
with one another according to God's living laws that produce peace and
harmony, we will as a natural consequence become more unified and closer
knit as a spiritual family.
In Ephesians 4:1-6 the apostle Paul explains that unity is something
requires work. In verse three he says, •Endeavoring to keep the unity
From the Pastor General
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From Church Administration.
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From Editorial Services
Mail Processing Update.
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On the World Scene • • • •
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of the Spirit in the bond of
peace.• Endeavor can be described
as a serious, determined effort.
In verse two Paul gives the method.
•with all lowliness and meekness,
with longsuffering, forbearing one
. another in love.• That is how it
is done.
That is how we are to
walk worthy of the vocation to
which we are called. That is how
we can keep the unity of the Spirit
by the uniting bond of p eace •
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