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VOL. 3, NO. 6
Dear Fellow Ministers:
FEBRUARY 217, 1979
Greetings again from Pasadena!
It has been very good to be
able to talk with so many dozen� of you personally over the past few
weeks. However, I am happy that things are slowing down a little
bit now so we can "catch our breath" and have more time for detailed
planning, catching up on our normal procedural work, etc.
I know by this time that all of you know that--pending any
unusual problems--the receivership is being lifted from God's Work!
We are very grateful for this, and hope that God will help us get on
with positive plans and programs in the Work again.
Mr. Armstrong spoke this Sabbath to about 2,000 assembled
brethren here at headquarters via telephone hookup from Tucson.
Frankly, _his talk was very helpful and very inspiring to us all. His
warm, fatherly approach--and the deep spiritual orientation he gave
us--reflect something that nobody else can give us!
While congratulating all the brethren here who rallied to
physically help the Work during the recent crisis, he again directed
our minds to the deep realization that it is the great GOD who alone
can deliver us. He told us, frankly, that God obviously allowed
this trial to come on us for a reason. One reason he stated is that
we have NOT been as close to GOD as we should be! So he exhorted
us to get closer to God through fervent prayer--asking God to teach
us where we have gone wrong and to renew his spiritual POWER among us.
Along this line, some of our P.A.D. team have suggested that
perhaps I should mention the series of sermons I have been giving
here at headquarters. I have been giving an entire series on the
vital importance of Bible study, on the power of prayer, on medita­
tion, on really using intelligently the "tool" of fasting, and on
exercising the power of God's Spirit that we receive through these
previously mentioned "tools" of Christian living. Literally scores
have commented personally how much they appreciate this series, and
how long a time it has been since anything like this has been given
here at headquarters. If you have not done so (though I know some
of you have), perhaps you should give a similar series of sermons to
help the brethren really get back close to God as we should and must
be as a Church.
Positive changes are still moving along here at a rapid pace!
It is my pleasure to announce that Mr. Armstrong has approved the
assignment of Mr. Leroy Neff--one of our long-time, faithful and