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for the whole year) and the construction line in the same way. We would
have spaced this out over at least a year. So when you add up these
figures plus many thousands extra for our legal fees and other emerqency
expenses during this crisis, you come up with ,, mini
of $ 3 mj 11 inn
plus the $1 million we wcrl? not ;1blr tc� bo1·row .1t- thi.q t imr- nr '>'P,,t
because OUr Credit WaS Withdrawn due to the
t·�J!d p.
Therefore, our working capital for the first 2� months of 1979 has
been depleted by at least $4 million! Yet, it is a temporary cash crisis
since we do not have to pay-back the loans, we will be paying off much
less in lease car and construction expenses since most of this is now
prepaid, and our normal income should be rising throghout the spring
holy days.
Actually, we are having a slight increase in mail income for the Work
over last year--for which we are very thankful. And if all of us loyally
rally to the cause and cause those members who are "sitting on their
hands" regarding tithes and offerings to become positively turned on
again, the income will take a spurt forward! So I hope the above
explanation does help many of you who have been "concerned" about these
matters and have wondered if we are trying to lay off men because things
are "shaky'' out here and this type of thing. That is not the problem
at all. There is a temporary cash flow crisis, and we do need to be care­
ful for the nex�few months. But, all in all, the brethren of God's
Church worldwide are responding magnificently and the Church of God-­
under the leadership of Jesus Christ--is solid as � rock!
So let's all realize this more than ever and encourage our brethren
to rally behind the leadership of Jesus Christ and his faithful human
servant Mr. Armstrong. And let's all try not to listen to every negative
rumor that is thrown up in the air repeatedly by dissidents every few
days, it seems.
Mr. Armstrong has approved the idea of Mrs. Luker coordinatinq the
input and ideas to help our ministerial wives have a greater part in
--and reward from--the ministry. I was able to have a talk with Lee Ann
and three other ministers--including Denny, of course, and get their in­
put about this recently. Lee Ann and some of the sab�atical ministers'
wives have some very fine ideas, and we will be getting these out to you
soon. Additionally, I hope that many of you wives in the field will
send in to us here at P.A.D. your comments and suggestions about this
program, and we will certainly pass them along.
Finally, fellows, let's all really get close to our God as we
approach the Passover. We will all soon be looking solemnly at that
bread which was broken to symbolize the fact that we can be healed
through Jesus' stripes; and at that wine picturing the agonizing death
that had to occur to pay for our sins--even we in the ministry. So we
must be sure to study and meditate on the meaning of this upcoming
Passover. Let's pray fervently that God will help all of us to surrender
ourselves more completely to him that he might pour()Ut upon us his
spiritual power and blessings more than ever before in this age.
God be with you as you yield to
Roderick C. Meredith