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to find a reason to reject the bonds, or to appeal the proceedings in
some way.
Meeting the press outside court Friday, Deputy Attorney General Lauren
Brainard admitted his office was "stymied" by our latest action. He
complained that "things are happening so fast it was hard to keep up
with everything." And so another battle in the Church's fight against
the state's intrusion of our civil and religious liberties has been won,
but as Mr. Armstrong has repeatedly stated, "the war is not over." Mr.
Armstrong acknowledges that our brethren deserve a lot of credit for
their dedication and sacrifice.
In commenting about our victory on Friday morning, Mr. Rader reminded
the brethren in the Hall of Administration that "God is still on His
throne. Without His vigil and His help none of this would have been
possible. I am afraid the state /of California/ doesn't really believe
that God is on His throne, doesn't really believe that...our spiritual
resources are most important. They probably will never accept that
because they have a different image in their mind of what God's Church
is all about, and what you people are all about. Really, if they did
understand their whole attitude would be different. But we can't expect
too much too soon, therefore the battle goes
Special Offerings Still Necessary
Mr. Rader emphasized that we still need a million dollars in cash just
in case. He felt we must reach the million dollar mark this week because
"there is always the possibility that the entire suretyship undertakings
by the individuals could be challenged in the state's desperate effort
to regain its control and foothold over this Church and its property.
They talk about wanting an audit, but they want to own it and control
it and to determine how everything can be done.•.so we must keep those
extra offerings coming in for that 'price of freedom' imposed on us by
the court." To date (March 19) the total amount in special offerings
thus far received is in excess of $400,000.
The Attorney General's perseverance is only exceeded by the tenacity of
God's Church which has "nothing to hide, but much to protect," namely
our constitutional rights!
Mr. Roderick
Meredith announced to the ministers in the Pastor's
Report that "we are now moving ahead with plans for evangelistic campaigns
in chief cities this spring and early summer! We will plan to run the
full-page ads giving our side of the story of this recent attack and
include a mention of campaigns in these ads, as well as running smaller
special ads besides, announcing the campaigns with times and places. Since
we are getting more media attention at this time anyway, we hope to use
this to the advantage of God's Work to get out the gospel. So please � RAY
for God's guidance on our efforts and for the success of these evangelis­
tic campaigns!"