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The following statement from the T·reasurer' s Office was published in the
Pastor's Report dated March 27: "As you will recall, in January Mr.
Herbert w. Armstrong asked for contrEmtior:,s to help pay for the legal
defense of the Work against the unfounded legal attack by the State of
California in concert with a few dissidents. Over $400,000 has already
been contributed for that special 'war chest.'
"Meanwhil.e, the special offei,ing for
money bond, if needed, has been
growing and 1.s now over $600
000., Thikl' c;f.!:ef..'ing is still accruinq from
members' contributions arriinng fx·om around the world. If the surety
bond remains acceptable to ·t.he. r:-
:n1rt then these funds will be used
directly in doing the Work at this time of sagging income just prior to
the spring holy days. Incidentally, the amount of the surety pledges
from all over the state of California has swelled to over $3,800,000.
"In response to the recent request sent to all employees of God's Work
(including the ministry} asking if they could help the cash-flow situation
over the next four paydays by foregoing part of their pay in the form
of an automatic contribution from each paycheck, our Accounting Office
has alr�ady received pledges amounting to nearly $50,000 per payday! This
was in addition to all the other ways employees cheerfully sacrificed
right along with other members around the world, On top of all this it
should be noted that many local employees gave even further in terms of
volunteer time on special pro'jects during the last few months of seige."
In the Pastor's Report of March 27, the Pastoral Administration Department
asked the ministry to begin encouraging members who want to be of further
help during this very tight financial situation the Work will be in for
the next few months.
Mr. Meredith said, "We want to start immediately to implement ... church
fund raising projects." The ministry will be receiving packets contain-
ing information on how to organize such projects "as a special emergency
crusade to raise monies to be sent to Tucson at the earliest possible date."
Some of the suggested activities are painting houses, cleaning houses,
washing cars, selling farm produce, conducting paper drives, collecting
scrap iron, delivering sales papers or advertisements for local firms,
etc. Many of these would involve very little of members' personal money
-- "merely time, effort and elbow grease." Here is something many can do
to have a greater "piece of the action" in serving God's Work at this
critical time of financial need.
The Y.O.U. staff wants to thank those members who have recently submitted
Y.E.S. materials, as well as in the past. Materials have been received
from many Church areas within the U.S. as well as overseas. The staff
really appreciates the very fine quality and creative effort reflected in
the material. As they go into production of Y.E.S. teaching programs,
they will be drawing on the material sent in.