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with Ray Pyle, his older brother. And we certainly do not want to add
unnecessary further burdens to the Pyle family at this time, and so have
modified our previous plans because of this unusual situation which has
struck a family so many of us have known and loved so long. Please PRAY
for Joe
Ask our Creator and our Healer to intervene supernaturally
and raise him up SOON -- as He is able. We know this will work out for
good, and we are deeply sorry that all of these situations had to hit ,at
such an inopportune time -- and ANY time is "inopportune" to be struck
with cancer. So remember Joe in your fervent prayers!
Fellows, as we preach to others during this Unleavened Bread season,
let's be sure we also put out ALL the sin we possibly can from our lives
and from God's ministry! Let's be sure that we avoid the "leaven of
the Pharisees" which is hypocrisy. Let's be sure that each one of us
sincerely in our hearts supports God's Work and God's apostle, Mr.
Herbert Armstrong, during the difficult days of this present crisis.
Let's be sure that in our hearts we try to get back to the WAY OF LIFE
and true doctrine which God has set in his Church through M"r-:-Armstrong
in our age. And let's all realize that many of us have not been as
totally loyal, yielded and humble before our God -- looking for HIS
guidance and direction in the Work and in our lives as we ought to have
done. Realizing the above:-Iet us fervently renew Dur commitment to
Christ and His leadership and His Church at this time and grow toward an
even deeper commitment than we have ever had before.
Fellows, please put your whole hearts and fervent prayers into pre­
paring your sermons for this spring festival season! Let's all try to
give God's people the encouragement, the lift and the inspiration they
need so much. And in this time of special need, please encourage the
brethren enthusiastically to give generously for the final holy day
offering of the Days of Unleavened Bread. I am sure you realize this is
a critical need at this time, so let's all ''rally" to the cause in our
prayers, our encouragements, and our personal offerings to Christ and
his Work at this time.
Have a good Feast, and our prayers are with you all.
Reporting Central Clearing House Expenses I wa � surprised and so � ewhat
disturbed after reviewing March's Central Clearing Account Exception
Report. The report shows that 153 ministers have not reported Central
Clearing Account expenses totaling $98,
Not only is the unreported amount disturbing, but also the fact that the
figure has been growing by several thousand dollars per month. The
average dollar amount outstanding each month last year was $50,000.
It was thought a serious matter when the $50,000 level was reached in
1976, and through effort and expense, a new system was devised to replace
the Emergency Fund Checkbook system.