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VOL. 3, NO. 13
APRIL 17. 1979
Greetings Fellow Ministers:
We continue to have very beautiful weather here in Pasadena -- with
plenty of sunshine and moderate smog. We hope those of you ministers
living in the northern part of the U.S. have weathered the long, bitter
winter. I am sure you look forward to God's beautiful springtime even
more than we do here in sunny southern California.
Mr. Rod Meredith asked me to write you since he is now in New York
visiting with ministers there, and he plans to speak to the churches in
that area tomorrow, the last day of Unleavened Bread. He was in Cin­
cinnati for the first part of the Feast.
I have spoken to Mr. Armstrong twice during the Feast via telephone,
and he is well, filled with faith and energy. He continues banging out
articles on his typewriter, a constant proof that God strengthens and
inspires him.
At this point, I would like to clear up a misconception. Some
brethren (and even a few ministers) have claimed that Mr. Herbert W.
Armstrong is cut off, isolated from the ministry, having little or no
contact with them. This is simply not true. Each week Mr. Armstrong is
in constant contact with numerous ministers.
Mr. Meredith usually contacts Mr. Armstrong at least two or three
times a week. Mr. Ellis LaRavia, Mr. Rader, Dennis Luker, Sherwin
McMichael, myself and others also have regular contact with him. Since
arriving back in Pasadena in the spring of 1978, I have usually been in
contact with Mr. Armstrong once or twice a week either v:La telephone or
during personal visits in his home. Besides this, various area coordi­
nators call Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong any time they feel there is a need
to do so.
So it is just not true that Mr. Armstrong is isolated from God's
ministry! In fact, he insists that we keep him constantly informed con­
cerning what is going on in the ministry, the college etc.
The hand of the Receiver continues to be stayed -- pending a decision
from the higher courts concerning our case. It looks as though we will
be able to keep the Receiver from ever planting his boots back on God's
property; remember, this is the property of the Eternal God. If we
continue to do our part He will see to it that we win complete, ultimate
victory! In the meantime, we must keep on our knees, continually praying
and even fasting for God's Work -- that He will bless it more than ever
before as we remove the "spiritual leaven" from God's Church.
Attendance and offerings during the first holy day were very good.
The offerings on the first holy day were, reportedly, up to projected