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explosive social disruption_ inside ..-��---co. They point to the fact
that a full 52% of their population is unemployed.
It all adds up to a massive political/social dilemma of potentialiy
grave consequences for the united States, certainly one within the
context of Deutero11omy 28:43 -- "The stranger that is within thee shall
get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low."
How serious the problem actually is was brought out by columnist
Georgie Anne Geyer, in the March 6 issue of the Los An�es Times:
"The United States has the perfect right -- and, moreover, the duty,
if law is not to become completely irrelevant -- to maintain sovereign-
ty on its borders •••L}retl we are seriously unbalancing the racial
makeup of the country through what can only be �alled illegal acts.
"If the situation continues, it will be one more advertisement to the
world that the United States cannot even"'preside over a law-abiding
world in its own house, much less create one outside."
One note regarding last week's column on Canada: Elie Hofer rightly
points out I was a bit rough on Prime Minister Trudeau's political
adversary, Tory leader Joe Clark. There is no doubt that Clark's
star is shining brighter these days, due to ·scandals in the Liberal
Party power structure, the stagnant Canadian economy, and Clark's
own favorable image in Parliamentary debates, which now are televised.
Trudeau, by contrast, appears tired and defensive. So watch Mr. Clark
-- North America may soon have a "Joe" to go along with a �Jimmy."
Whether that's good or bad we'll have to see.
--Gene Hogberg, News Bureau
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