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PASTOR'S REPORT, May 14, 1979
Page 2
We had a wonderful senior banquet and dance last night with the en­
tire college and the seniors' parents up at the Castaway Restaurant on a
mountaintop overlooking Burbank. It was certainly a warm and loving at­
mosphere, and the students do seem to be genuinely grateful and appre­
ciative for the new spirit that has been injected, once again, into
Ambassador College. Senior Grad Brunch was this morning, and I had the
opportunity to announce a number of student hirings for the field ministry!
We are hiring four young men--Al Maggio, Jim Herst, Dave Meyers, Malcolm
Tofts for summer assignments before their upcoming senior year. Then,
we are hiring Tom Melear and Chris Moen for permanent field assignments!
The students, of course, are very excited and enthusiastic about this,
and I am sure it will engender a great deal more of a sense of purpose
and diligence in student life and studies from now on.
Denny Luker just called in this morning from Denver, and reported
that the Denver campaign was a success and inspired a great wave of
enthusiasm among the brethren in the area there. Like San Antonio, new
attendance was not large, but those attending did respond much more and
it now appears there will be more "fruit" in the local churches as a
result of these campaigns than any in recent years. Total attendance
ranged from 220 to 428 over the three nights and new attendance was 50,
77, and 35 on the three nights respectively. Messrs. Kelly and Luker
both felt the final night's attendance was somewhat lower because, unfor­
tunately, it coincided with Mother's Day.
Now, I hope all of you will encourage your congregations to pray
for the Pasadena campaign to be held this Friday, Saturday and Sunday
nights here in the House of God! We especially want to portray the right
image here in this area and will count on all of your prayers.
Another very happy announcement is that we are going to start nine
new churches and two new Bible studies this summer! The locations will
be listed in a separate box and, of course, other new churches may be
added in the near future. This will certainly save hundreds of our bre­
thren from additional driving which is especially important now with the
gas shortages building up.
As I told some of you personally, Art Mokarow is going into his own
career in Human Development, so Mr. Leroy Neff is now working with him
and will take over the Human Potential area starting this week. We will
be cutting back the scope and financial expenditures of the Human Potential
area a great deal, but there may still be a few programs which we will
continue after checking with Mr. Herbert Armstrong. Please direct any
of your inquiries regarding Human Potential or Outreach to Mr. Leroy Neff
in the future.
Some transfers within the ministry which I think will be encouraging
and exciting to all of you involve Mr. Dean Blackwell coming in to
Pasadena to replace Mr. Raymond McNair as Director of the Midwest Church
areas! This was done with the total enthusiastic input and counsel of
Mr. Raymond McNair who simply needs to devote himself full-time as Deputy
Chancellor of Ambassador College, but will continue to be a Senior Adviser
to us in P.A.D. and a regular "trouble-shooter" who makes trips to the
field from time to time and especially on the annual Holy Days. But we
on the "P.A.D. team" are very excited because of Mr. Blackwell's long
experience in most of that area and his ability to help us in a full-
time and in-depth manner on any problems that may arise. He will be