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-L�IF�O�R�N-I-- A--���������M�A�R�C�H�1�7�.
March 16, 1978
Greetings from headquarters!
Some exciting new developments are occurring of which you will
all soon become fully informed and involved!
Following up my lengthy letter accompanying the last Pastor's
Report, intended to be a kind of "goals and purposes" reassessment
of priorities, I would like to discuss with you several major
innovations currently being made which I feel will accomplish much
toward getting the entire organization, church and college, back on
that right course of which I spoke.
Of course you all know I am facing the burden of half hour live
daily radio within the next very few weeks -- and adding that to the
host of crushing executive responsibilities� writing at least two
books per year, etc., etc., etc., I must face the facts concerning my
involvement with the college.
In order to effect the most drastically needed improvements
within the WorkJ i.e. my own far closer direct and personal involve­
ment with the church and the entire ministry: my diligent attention
to electronic and printed media and preaching the Gospel of the
Kingdom as a witness (the very reason why I was born), I must ·now
delegate much of my mainline responsibility in the college, Tiic5rder
to turn my attention and energies into both the first phase of the
commission and the second phase (or some might call it the "second
commission") which means the growth of God's Church!
Therefore, I am effecting the following personnel change. I am
appointing Dr. Donald L. Ward as Executive Vice President for
Ambassador College. I will delegate to Dr. Ward the day-to-day ad­
ministrative responsibilities of Ambassador College, interfacing
directly with the other three individuals on the vice presidential
level1 the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President
for S�udent Affairs and the Business Manager.
Dr. Ward was an exemplary example as Dean of the Faculty for
Ambassador College, Big Sandy1 has since been ordained and has had
field experience as the pastor of the local church in Tyler, Texas.
Or. Ward was an individual who was highly respected by faculty and
student body alike during his term of office in Big S�ndy1 possesses
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