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VOL. 2,
NO. 12
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A PR IL 10, 1978
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HQ FULL OF EXCITEMENT! ·Headquarters is a beehive of activity and
full of excitement following Mr. Ted Armstrong's announcement Friday,
the 7th, of plans for renewed church growth; that the Pasadena campus
will now become HEADQUARTERS for all administrative and support func­
tions of the Church; and the decision to move the undergraduate
student body to Big Sandy, Texas! Of course, momentous decisions
such as these tend to send shock waves throughout an organization
that are felt by virtually everyone to one degree or another, but
enthusiasm is running high here in Pasadena.
Meeting after meeting is being held to get the wheels in motion for
the implementation of both Armstrongs' directives. There have been
continuing meetings of executive personnel regarding further changes
necessary for moving church and college departments; changes in
college and church personnel; plans for the new graduate school of
theology in Pasadena; the ministerial education program here; and
the myriad details that the undergraduate student move to Big Sandy
will entail.
Mr. Ted Armstrong requested that his talk before the special employee­
student assembly last Friday be tape recorded so that all churches
around the world could hear his comments during Sabbath services. So
be on the lookout for the tape.
CHURCH COORDINATING TEAM UPDATE The Church Coordinating Team has
assigned me the task of reporting to you each week the results of our
meetings. As you know, the team has been designated the responsibility
of implementing Mr. Herbert Armstrong's and Mr. Ted Armstrong's desire
to make the Church more visible, and to build a system by which the
Church can more broadly preach the gospel as evidenced by growth.
After several meetings of the Church Coordinating Team, we have
realized the tremendous value of bringing together into one group
representatives of the various aspects of the Work. This has allowed
the needs of the Church to come into sharper focus. This need to
focus on the Church's primary objectives is brought out in the purpose
statement of the Coordinating Team, which follows:
"The primary purpose of the Work is to preach the Gospel. The min­
istry, while bearing the responsibility of that goal, is also directly
responsible to harvest those whom God calls as a result of this
commission. It is the major goal of the Church Coordinating Team to
facilitate the development of Church growth. To do this, we must
first identify those activities that will achieve the Church's goals
through a thorough analysis of the entire field ministry and its
responsibilities and duties. All emphasis must be placed on productive�
efforts and appropriate placement of priorities."