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P�STOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 28, 1979
Page 3
It was not until January 3, 1979, 46 years after the raising up of
this era of the Church of God, that the Church of GOD suffered persecution
by the Attorney General's office of the State of California.
For the first time, tQ my knowledge, a state civil political govern­
ment within the United States claimed that it owned all Church property,
and was empowered to fire the apostle of the living Christ, and reorganize
and OPERATE the Church of the living GOD! Although ·God commands us, in
the Bible, to be subject in our personal and individual lives to the
political government of man which has jurisdiction over us in ordinary
processes of law and order, yet when authorities of human civil govern­
ment commanded the Apostle Peter to cease proclaiming the Gospel, Christ's
apostle replied we MUST OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MA.T\J. He did not "cave in."
Neither did we!
This Church was founded by Jesus Christ.
on HIS pattern.
It is formed and organized
Even if our lives are at stake--even at threa� of imprisonment, we
shall give our very lives, if necessary, to carry on the Worldwide Church
of God, according to GOD'S direction in His Word.
Now we are in a battle with one of the largest states in the Union to
detennine WHO IS LORD--CAESAR, OR CHRIST! We are willing even to sacrifice
our LIVES, if necessary--but, like the Apostle Peter, we shall obey GOD
rather than man!
On Thursday afternoon, September 27, at approximately 3 p.m. in the home
of God's Apostle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, there wasn't a dry eye as Mr.
Armstrong ordained three new evangelists. In alphabetical order, the three
men are Mr. Ellis LaRavia, Mr. Stanley Rader and Mr. Joseph Tkach. Also
ordained to the rank of local elder was Mr. Kevin Dean, and long time per­
sonal staff member Mrs. Rona Martin was ordained a deaconess�r. Arm­
strong conunented that it was a "long-overdue" ordination for Rona. Mr.
Aaron Dean and Mr. Mel Olinger are to be ordained this corning Sabbath to
the rank of local elder and deacon, respectively.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services