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It is hoped that this article will help eliminate some of these from your mind. Only
through having right knowledge can one develop a positive attitude to replace the
Your I Q
Bruce Bliven, in his article YOUR BRAIN’S UNREALIZED POWERS (
Reader’s Digest –
Readers Digest Collection/1964),
“THE HUMAN BODY) enlightens our understanding
in regard to our I.Q.:
“Many of us have an unnecessary inferiority complex about our I.Q’s – the figure that
represents native intelligence as compared to that
of the average individual.
It is easier to score LOWER in such a test than you
deserve. This might result from temporary ill
health or emotional disturbance.
So, if you have ever seen your score on an I. Q. test,
you can be reasonably sure that your I. Q. is AT LEAST that high.
What is the physical basis of high intelligence? Contrary to common belief, it does not
require an unusually large skull. It is likely to be associated with especially large
numbers of surface convolutions in the cerebral cortex, the great top part of the brain.
Highly intelligent people also have good blood circulation to the brain, bearing oxygen,
glucose and certain other important chemicals.
It is possible that a person with some very special
talent – a mathematical or musical genius, for
example – may have an unusually thick bundle of
nerve fibers in one particular place in the brain.
But the physical endowment of your brain is far
less important than WHAT YOU DO WITH IT.
The number of brain cells is an individual with a
I.Q. of 100 (which is average) is large enough so
that, used to the full, it could far exceed the record, as far as memory is concerned, of the
greatest genius who ever lived.