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speak English? Answer later
] and proved to be, they wrote, ‘A Special Instrument sent of God
for their good, beyond expectation.’ He told them HOW to plant THE CORN they found left by
the plague-killed Indians, where to fish for the fish so necessary for them to live and helped in
divers manners as long as he lived.”
“By the time all their corn was planted, all their vituals [
that had been brought from England
was spent and they were only to rest on God’s Providence; many times at night not knowing
where to have anything to sustain nature the next day, and so had NEED TO PRAY that God
would give them their daily bread . . . sometimes for two or three months together they neither
had bread or any kind of corn,” quote taken from a paper written by Nathaniel Morton, a
historian, addressed to Thomas Prince, Governor of New England.”
Notice again HOW God watched over and blessed them
“When the Pilgrims had no rain on their corn from the third week in May until the middle of July
in 1624, ‘they set apart a solemn day of humiliation, TO SEEK THE LORD by humble and
fervent PRAYER’ for some eight hours in their great distress. Though the morning was clear
and hot, without a cloud in the sky, at evening, THEY WERE BLESSED with gentle showers in
abundance UNTIL the parched ground was wet and soaked, much to the admiration of the
Indians who witnessed their prayers and supplications for rain.”
: This was the 2
Colony to be established in America. The 1
one was in 1607.
They established a Colony in Jamestown and named it after King James of England.
: The
King James Bible made its introduction in 1611- 401 years ago this year, 2012
Encyclopedia Britannia
, 1960, Page 25: “It was this Colony that
Captain John Smith emerged as leader. Also, from this Colony that
one of the settlers, John Rolf, married Indian Chief Powhattan’s
daughter, Pocahontas.
“It was the Governor of
the Plymouth Colony, the
Bradford, in grateful
appreciation to the Great
Provider of all blessings (James 1:17), decreed that A
From the Internet
Governor William Bradford of
the Plymouth Colony has been credited as being the
first one to proclaim the first Thanksgiving in the
early beginnings of America