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Pre-Flood World of Noah
With these Scriptures in mind, and knowing the inherent desire for women to want to be
pretty, it can be accurately understood the women of the pre-flood world of Noah
learned the art and use of Makeup.
History implies the use of MAKEUP was brought through the Flood by the wives of
Japheth, and Ham. History speaks of the wife of Ham, Naamah, as a very beautiful
woman (
Genesis 4:22
). It is without question, knowing the desire within women to want
to be pretty, she undoubtedly enhanced her beauty with Makeup, making her desirable
to Ham.
Tracing the leading Women from Early History to the Present
Exploring Ancient History
, Roy Schultz, Page 30, Genesis 4:22
“The Bible also states (verse 22, last part) that Tubalcain had a sister named Naamah.
Nothing more beyond this is revealed about her in the Bible. Yet God has her mentioned
here for a purpose.
“He wants to call our attention to this famous
woman so that we will look for knowledge
about her in other sources. Remember that
she was the daughter of Zillah. NAAMAH
“Jewish tradition shows that Naamah was
famous as a weaver of cloth. She was the
member of the family of Lamech that
invented textiles and influenced the clothing
styles before the Flood.
Athena of Greek tradition
“She is the Athena of Greek tradition. She undoubtedly
caused women to dress improperly and immodestly. This
was the influence she had upon the society of the pre-Flood
world. But she also influenced the post-Flood world. She did
not perish in the Deluge because she married Ham and was
therefore on the Ark.
Pages 38-39 > One of the most famous of Greek goddesses
was Athena. The city of Athens was named in her honor! To
all Greeks she was a symbol of courage, self-control,
weaving, and skilled in the arts of war! What famous pre-
Flood woman had these remarkable characteristics? None