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The spirit in man is a computer that contains within its memory everything about the person,
yet God has given each of us a MIND OF HIS OWN.
God has put IN the physical MAN a ‘human’ spirit. ... this spirit RECORDS every thought – every
bit of knowledge received through the five senses and it records whatever character – good or bad – that
is developed in human life. . .
The SPIRIT in man RECORDS what the brain comes to know, even the attitude, the facets of
CHARACTER, not only of the human brain, but also of the whole body. It keeps the imprint even of the
fingerprints. ...
The spirit that is in every human acts as a MOLD. It PRESERVES the human MEMORY, his
CHARACTER, his FORM AND SHAPE. ... The resurrected being will be COMPOSED of SPIRIT, not
matter as the human mold was. In the resurrected SPIRIT form, he will suddenly come ALIVE.
It will seem like the next flash of a second from his loss of CONSCIOUSNESS at time of death.
He will have all his memory intact. He will look as he did in human life in form and shape. Even his
fingerprints will be the same.
The CHARACTER which he allowed God to build within him will be there. He will be alive
FOREVER! And like God the Father by his own will, he will have been made so that he CANNOT sin
(I John 3:9).
End of Quotes
Heredity also comes into play in both human and spirit life. This means man inherits the sum total of
the qualities and potentialities genetically derived from ancestor to the descendant
the genes.
At the resurrection the faithful Christian will then inherit the sum total of the qualities and potentiali-
ties of God the Father for each true Christian will have been begotten by Him in human life from having
developed within themselves the character and mind of God.
Upon faithfully enduring with spiritual growth they will at the end of physical life experience the second
birth to Spirit Life in the resurrection upon the return of Jesus Christ to this earth.
With all of this in mind one should be able to see by meditating on these two chapters why God gave
these statutes that speak of
diversity, distinction, and purity.
One should also learn and appreciate the
diversity—KIND AFTER KIND—He brought into existence through creation, or so designed within the
original kinds, room for the varieties to come into existence from them
(cf. Genesis 1).
The Three Major Races
This also includes the major three races of humankind who were to come from the eggs and womb of
mother Eve
(Genesis 4:1-2).