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Johnson has continually opposed many of Kennedy’s key policies and that he quickly 
reversed many of them upon taking office. Additionally, one of the main figures of the 
Commission, Allen Dulles, was an ex­CIA chief who had been fired by JFK. Partly for 
these reasons, the credibility and the conclusions of the Warren Commission are still 
highly contested today. 
The Commission concluded that JFK’s assassin was Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone gunman 
with psychological issues, who also happened to be a Communist. It is important to note 
that some of the most important heads of the Warren Commission, which concluded 
that JFK’s death was the result of lone gunman Oswald, were high level Freemasons. 
It is also interesting to note that Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Earl Warren, was 
himself a 33rd degree Freemason, who was Grand Master of California from 1935 to 
1936. He was also Potentate of Aahmes Shrine, and an officer in two Scottish Rite 
Lodges in Oakland, California. He was also a member of the Bohemian Club, and gave 
several lakeside speeches at Bohemian Grove, which is located north of San Francisco, 
in the small wooded town Monte Rio, California.  
His Warren Commission was filled with Freemasons. Gerald R. Ford, J. Edgar 
Hoover, and Allen Dulles were all 33rd degree Freemasons as well. Abraham Zapruder 
himself, was a 32nd degree Freemason, and after the assassination, he was raised to the 
33rd degree, for his part in the assassination plan. Other high­level Freemasons directly 
involved in the murder of JFK included Lyndon Baines Johnson and George Bush Sr., 
both of whom were 33rd degree Freemasons, as well as Bush Sr. belonging to Yale 
University’s Skull and Bones occult society. – Kentroversy Papers, “Dealey Plaza: 
Esoteric Freemasonic Symbolism in the Death of JFK” . . . 
Although specific details surrounding JFK’s assassination and those involved in it will 
probably forever remain murky, by stepping back and contemplating the big picture, 
things can become a little clearer.  
After decades of new data and revelations,
it is fairly obvious from the evidence 
available that JFK’s assassination was sponsored by high­level figures using 
patsies to commit the deeds. In the end, every single individual involved 
with the assassination died shortly after the events. [
google interview of the 
former mistress of President Johnson
Madeleine Duncan Brown and from that