Page 3253 - 1970S

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What you don't knowcan hurt youl
he practice of the occult is as old as
mankind . In every age there have been
sorne who attempted to communicate
with the spirit world, to divine the future, or
to influence events through mysterious
means. Even now, in the space age, mod–
ern-day "druids" perform strange rites in
the eery shadows of Stonehenge. But we
are seeing in the late 20th Century an in–
explicable upsurge of occultism - not just
continuing interest in ancient superstitions,
but actual belief in the powers and prac–
tices of the occult. Such belief, unfortu-
nately, is not entirely unfounded. For those
who are willing to look, there
evidence of
a strange and sinister
spirit world . For a fuller ex–
planation of the occult
reviva!, and why you
should avoid its practices,
write for the free booklet,
The Occult Explosion -
What Does lt Mean?
write to
The Plain Truth
our office nearest you (see
inside front cover).
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your address label al nght. (Chp along dotted hne ) Please allow 6
weeks advance not1ce
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