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Can anyone truly
understand this book?
Chances are, the mere thought
of trying to understand this book over–
whelms you. Even accomplished theolo–
gians consider it a lifelong task. But is the
Bible really all that hard to comprehend? ls it
only a jumble of disconnected, conflicting pas–
sages, subject to various interpretations and
largely irrelevant to the space age? Or is it a
book that is truly relevant to this world today–
and to your own personal private lite? The
Bible is not a book of mystery . lt is plain and
Please check:
simple, and it makes sense for this modern
world today . lf you've got an open mind and
would like to know what the Bible has to say
about your lite and your future, then use the
coupon below to
request your free
lessons of the Am–
bassador College
Bible Correspon–
dence Course. Why
not do it today?
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