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instance, a spec:ial discount card from a national food f�anchise
operation could l::;>e available for members
use while
driving to and
from the site, as well as being used at the numerous outlets at
each festival �oca�ion. If we are successful in implementing this
new approach, it will be further explained to the membership when
this year's festival application is mailed.
--Sherwin McMichael, Festival Office
(Date Line New York City)
"QUEST Magazine has
become a winner in the publishing industry." This is the enthu­
siastic reaction we get when publishers, writers and media people
meet us and discover that we are representing QUEST magazine. At
an august dinner meeting of 1500 top publishers from across the
country here at the the Hilton Hotel last Tuesday, November 15,
economist Elliot Janeway gave QUEST an honorary mention in a speech
about publishing.
Betty liarris, publisher of Working Woman, was at my table and com­
pared us with National
for graphic quality and extolled
the journalistic excellence. Barbara Walters, who is a reader, also
made a favorable comment to me personally at Kennedy Airport. The
general reaction makes you feel like a celebrity because to quote
the Vice President of an international company at the same table:
"People are so pleased to see a magazine with such high ideals doing
so well in a rotten world."
--Roger Lippross, Production Director of QUEST/77
just returned from New York City where we attended a very profit­
able three-day seminar conducted by the Folio magazine people.
Folio is called "the magazine for magazine management" and it pro­
vides information for publishers, editors and writers. The seminars
were cranuned with highly relevant and valuable information, all of
which can have future bearing Qn the continued improvement of our
in-house publications.
--Brian Knowles, Editorial Services
TO BE ANNOUNCED A cash box containing orders for record albums
received at Squaw Valley during the Feast was stolen from a car in
Pasadena. The orders had not yet been processed so we were unable
to send out the albums. If you ordered an album in Squaw Valley
that was to be mailed to you, please write: Record Sales, Ambassador
College, 300 West Green St., Pasadena, CA 91123. Let us know which
albwn you ordered and we will process your order within a week after
we receive your letter. Sorry for the inconvenience.
--Mark Mickelson, Student Body Co-President
s Visit to Jerusalem Electrifies the World Egyptian President
Anwar Sadat's dramatic and courageous visit to Israel has put the
Middle East back in headline number one position. The value of his
bold journey to Jerusalem was mainly its tremendous psychological
impact. Sadat's speech in the Knesset was predictably standard Arab
policy regarding occupied territories, rights of Palestinians, etc.,
though his specific reference that old Arab Jerusalem should be a