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VOL. 2,
APRIL 24, 1978
Dear Fellow Ministers in Christ:
Greetings from Big Sandy! I am presently "inbetween Holy Days"
on the Big Sandy campus tending to many details relative to the opening
up of Ambassador College this autumn.
We particularly enjoyed our visit with the Youngstown-Akron area
churches and a larger than expected crowd for the first Day of Un­
leavened Bread, including several hundred co-workers or donors who were
visiting perhaps for the first time.
I was especially inspired to learn that in·the Youngstown area and
surrounding smaller cities like Warren, Ohio, and elsewhere we are dis­
pensing 20,000 PLAIN TRUTHS in our newsstand campaign each month! This
does not include the Cleveland, Akron-canton area or any of the other
larger cities, but is in the Youngstown area and its environs alone!
I was inspired to walk into a little restaurant cafe just prior to my
departure and see a big newsstand chocked full of PLAIN TRUTH magazines
(though I think I would have been more inspired if it had already been
All of us were very encouraged over the signs of positive growth
and the definite foundation being laid for future growth in this part
of the country--and hope and pray the same is true for all other parts!
In discussing the tremendous new developments in our educational
arm of the church, I couldn't help but muse over the situation that
developed in the early and middle 1960s on the Pasadena campus. Many
of you will remember how we were elated over the fact that up to 30 and
even 40 percent of our incoming freshmen in some given years came to
Ambassador College already possessing a degree from another institution.
Many of these men, even including Dr. Kuhn, Dr. Geis, David Wainwright
(currently on a doctoral program) and many others, came to Ambassador
College for a second undergraduate degree, when in fact it_would have
if they could have come to a graduatelevel program and
been pursuing a �igher degree in their respective fields.
At long last, God has opened the door for precisely that kind of
program: Now, with the development and expansion of a full-fledged
graduate school of theology, with several important degree programs on
the Pasadena campus, we have the opportunity to accept men of this
caliber directly into the graduate school, leading to greater personal
and professional involvement within the church itself, without what
could be in fact a waste of time in spending years in a second under­
graduate program!
I am positively excited beyond words at the cleanness of this new
separation of the undergraduate program and the maintenance of our
undergraduate college on the Big Sandy campus, the creation of a very