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This will be of enormous help to the internationals. We will now be
able to put the PT together in various ways to suit regional needs --
and yet retain compatibility of printing. Each month we will prepare
four, self-contained signatures of copy, one of which will be entirely O
biblical. We will then put these together in varous configurations
considering local and regional needs.
We will be running some of the old stand-by reprint articles by Mr.
Armstrong' and others in this signature. These will include articles
on the holy days, tithing, and prophecy. We will emphasize material
that will be of benefit to prospectives as well as to church members.
You will also note that Dexter Faulkner is running some biblical
material in the GN for members. So we now have found ways to fill
the gap in our literature programs with regard to biblical and church­
oriented materials.
The special biblical signature will be sent automatically to all members
and co-workers worldwide. Various regional managers will have the option
of deciding just who else may receive this special signature. The main
consideration, of course, will be budgetary.
We are tentatively planning on beginning with the October-November
U.S. edition.
--Brian Knowles, Editorial Services
PUBLISHING SERVICES UPDATE Our budgets are now in and Ray Wright and
his team have the job of making everything fit. This 1978/79 budget
shows the largest single yearly increase ever in our Publishing Pro- O
duction budget. This has been caused mainly by the rise in postage,
paper and printing costs. We hope to do more this year inspite
of inflation taking its toll.
You will see from Brian Knowles comments that the PT is now to have a
fourth signature of 16 pages containing more religious material. Even
though it does mean extra work and coordination with our printers both
here and overseas, we are eager to start working with Brian's department
on this. As Brian mentioned, we intend to design four (4) self­
contained signatures so that we can assemble from these 16-page
sections a magazine which will suit the different areas of readership.
For example: The newsstand magazine which is two signatures, 32 pages,
has to be put together remembering that these people are first time
readers -- we don't want to hit them with strong meat straight off.
We obviously would not give them a religious section. The new section
will also prove to be very helpful to quite
large section of our
regular PT list who may request more religious material than in the
regular Plain Truth. These readers can now be progressed so Richard
Rice's area can pick up with their subscriber mailings. Things are
looking good for the Plain Truth content. We should be seeing an
increase in reader involvement and growth over the months to come.
We are preparing to start production of the new 16-page section with
the October/November edition, but a lot will depend on the availabili .
of paper. We may have to use a totally different type of paper, a hig
fiber or pulp stock. Something like the Potential section of Quest.
--Roger Lippross, Publishing Services