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VOL.5, N0.6
The Need to be Insured
FEBRUARY 11, 1983
All too often we receive requests from Church members, and even ministers,
asking for financial help because they had not been carrying insurance when
some disaster occurred.
Not too long ago, a Church member who was not
carrying any liability insurance was involved in a traffic accident. The
fact that it was his fault compounded the problem. Sometime later, a fire
partially d�stroyed a minister's home. He was not carrying any insurance
on his possessions. In both of these instances the people came to the
Church for help. These are only samples of the cases that come up from time
to time.
We would like to have an announcement made (or possibly even a sermonette)
in each Church congregation regarding the Christian's responsibility to be
properly covered by insurance.
There are many scriptures that can be
cited--here are just a few: Proverbs 22:3: 27:12--"A prudent (wise] man
foresees the evi1 and hides himself.•••"
One way to avoid finaneial
disaster as a result of an accident is to be properly covered by insurance.
The judgments in Exodus chapters 21 and 22 have many references to repaying
damages one has caused, whether
or by accident or negligence.
Also notice Ecclesiastes 9:11: " ..•time and chance happen to them all."
To our knowledge, every state in the United States has laws requiring
minimal insurance or other evidence of financial responsibility in the
event you are involved in an automobile accident where property damage,
bodily injury and/or death occur.
Similar laws exist in many other
countries around the world. To a degree this is a case of "rendering unto
Caesar," but it goes beyond that. There is enough scriptural admonition to
make it a personal, Christian duty! Notice especially Romans 13:1-7. Here
we are admonished to be subject to the powers that be because these rulers
are "ministers of God." We are to obey the laws of the land lest we bring a
penalty ("damnation") upon ourselves (verse 2). In the context of obeying
civil governments we notice verse 11: "And that, knowing the time, that now
it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than
when we believed."
�- --
Most important to remember is that the spiritual law of love far supersedes
any of man's laws. It is showing love to be able to remiin'erate someone for
a loss � have caused·
. It is also love to not have to lean on someone to
help yo�en you could have avoided it by setting aside, in advance through
proper insurance, what it would take to cover the need should it occur.
We have chosen not to write a specific announcement to be read in services
because we want more emphasis placed on this important facet of our
Christian lives. Please spend sufficient time expounding this subject to
put God's people "on track."