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November, we expect circulation to rise to over 100,000 by January, 1984.
The campaign includes three full page insertions featuring postage paid
reply cards, with a total circulation of over three million reaching about
10 million readers.
The newsstand program in the U.K. is currently adding from 1,600 to 2,000
names to The PLAIN TRUTH file each month--a 2-3% response rate. Courtesy of
the Canadian office, we plan to build the newsstand program to 100,000 mag­
azines a month in 1984, which will naturally attract even more new sub­
scribers to the file.
Literature mailed out in Britain this year is up 151. Mr. Armstrong's last
semiannual letter drew 9,600 replies from the U.K. and Ireland alone, with
an additional 3,400 from the rest of Europe and the Middle East. Mail in­
come for the year is up 18%.
Scandinavia: We are now well on our way in preparation for the 1-aunph of
the Norwegian PLAIN TRUTH. The new Norwegian editor� Ray Ostensen, will be
moving to the Elstree House office very soon. Articles for the launch issue
(February, 1984) are currently being translated and edited.
This launch
issue is, of course* a issue, so there is much work to be done.
Meanwhile, our inventory of Norwegian booklets is being bUilt up in antici­
pation of increased demand for additional literature once the �aga�ine is
launched. There are now six Norwegian booklets in pri:nt� as well as nine
booklets and five Bible correspondence course lessons in various �tages of
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From the Uni�ed States
MINNEAPOLIS (NOllTH), MN--IARRY WALKER: The Church is noticeably
supercharged spiritually from the Feast. Attendance and partici­
pation are also running high. New PMs and baptisms are running
at a steady pace. The two taped sermons on marriage were well
received and have already began to bear fruit.
LONG BEACH (EAST), CA--LES McCOLM: Ron Kelly'a and Dave Albert's
taped s.er_mons on family relatiOfts w-ere outstanding.
I wish to
thank Gene Hogberg far his very informative and newsy articles in
the PASTOR GENERAL'S REPOllT .. They really give us an inside view
of the happenings irt the world.
HAZARD, KY--WARREN HEATON III: I feel that those sermons sent to
us via tape were the most helpful sermons we've heard in a long
time. Many problems at:e worked out in marriages, and many
hidden problems have surfaced. Marriage difficulties have been
the #1 problem here. Looking forward to positive changes in this
-DAVE Fil!DLEI'h 'l'he two tapes on men• s and women• a
roles were just excel1ent and increasingly necessary in this de­
cadent society. I'm preparing a sermon for our youths along the
same line.