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VOL. 8, NO. 9
FEBRUARY 28, 1986
Dear Ministers of Jesus Christ,
I'm happy to announce that Mr. Larry Salyer has now moved into his
office and begun his full-time responsibilities as Assistant Director of
Church Administration. This will, of course, take a great load off my
shoulders of the day-to-day administration of the ministry worldwide. I
thought it might be helpful to all of you to share a portion of a memo I
sent last week to our international Regional Directors describing Mr.
Salyer's duties and responsibilities.
••••I have placed Mr. Salyer as Assistant Director of Church Adminis­
tration. He is there for the purpose of administering the ministry for
and under me and to faithfully carry out all policies and directions as I
give them to him. Therefore, although he is not your boss by his �
authority, free to administer in whatever way he pleases, he is your boss
by and under !!!Y authority, as I am under Christ and He under God the
You should therefore, report to Mr. Salyer, backing him and
holding up bis arms. However, you do still have direct access to me, to
bring things to me personally when really necessary••••
"Again, I expect you to keep Mr. Salyer fully informed on all impor­
tant matters so that he always has available any information I may re­
quire. I am sure you will find him very easy to work with, responsive to
your needs and eager to serve.•
Word- has just come this morning (February 25) that President
Ferdinand Marcos has abdicated rule in the Philippines to Corazon Aquino,
wife of assassinated opposition leader Benino Aquino. We pray that the
transfer of power will be as orderly as possible. Mr. Guy Ames reported
that there has been a general calming and that the brethren seem to be in
no immediate danger. Mr. Gene Hogberg has more on the Philippines in this
We can see how valuable it was to have Mr. Dean Blackwell in the
Philippines over the past year, teaching and t;aining the local ministers
there. Whatever the eventual outcome, the ministry has been strengthened
and better prepared to lead God's people in that country. Remember the
Filipino brethren in your prayers.
From the Pastor General • . • • 1
From Church Administration• • • 2
From Facilities Administration. 4
From Fleet Administration • • • 4
On the World Scene. • • • . • • 5
I have learned that some no
longer in the Church had made
statements to the effeet that Mr.
Blackwell had been "shunted off to
the Philippines to get rid of him."
Such statements have no purpose but
to create division, mistrust, doubt
and disunity.
Yet, I suppose,
human nature being what it is, some
may have believed it. How easy it
is for our human nature, if we
• 1986 w� Ctucti of God