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E___!:�s An_
�!les HeraId Exa'!liner, Sun., Feb. 4, 1979 A·l
$10 Million Yearly Goes Into Economy
Pasadena Ponders Effect
If World Church Leaves
U� P.UIEI..\ MOHEL.\:'lil)
Herald Examiner Staff Writer
With the financial future of ltw
World,, idr Church of God in doubt,
many Pasadena ci vic leaders are
\\orrying about till' l'conomic impact on
lhr city if thr church moves a,,ay.
Thr controvprsy surrounding tllP
institution has obscurl'd tbe fal'
l th;it
thl' church pumps t11illions of dollars
annually into thr city · s rconomy and 1s
amajor do,, ntu,, n PillployPr in the t·lly
of 100.000.
llrrbPrt W. Armstrong. foundt•r and
It' a d l' r of t h L' co n t r o \' t· rs i aI
fundat11t•ntalist church. h;1s thn•;1ll'11t•d
to talw thl' church. ttll' 1111ss1onary
foundation and its collt·gt• . to Tucson.
.\riz.. :rnay frum ,, hat Ill' consHll'rs to
bl' t roul>ll'sot11L' l'aII forma ;1utlwritIt •s
Art11strong·s thrL•at tu 1110\'l' ttw
church camp;iftt'r a Judgt' placl'd 1t i11t11
rece1\'L'rslup ,, hen thL· st;ilt' altorm·�·
gt>neral ch:irgL'tl that soml' churd1 of
finals. inl'ludmg ..\rn,strong. had h<'<:11
nushandl1ng funds. Till' t'hurch 1s 11m1
S('l_•king to ovl'rturn till' rL'Ct'l\'l'rsh1p
If lhl' churc h and its rt'latect
bllSJn('SS('S nlOH' Olli. Iht• loss ('Ollld
k•ave l'asadt•na in a fin:inl'ial lurd1.
. . Anib:iss:idor CollcgP is om•
of th,•
maior ta:xpayc'rs 1n lhl' city and lnss or
inconir and r L'\'
l'ntll' ,1ould tw
unfortunatP and dl'trH11L·ntal to city
gon•rnn 1l'nt. . . said W1lli:rn1 Bog;1;ml.
n1P111ber nf the Pasadena Board or City
The Pmbattll'd church pumps an
estimated $10 millil!n mto l'as ;1dl'11;1·s
rconomy each yPar through salarn•s.
taxl'S and supplies pt1rl'h;1sl'd from
lo<"al ml'rrh:ints. Bus111('�s 1,,adt•rs in
lht' footh1ll communit, say tlwv l'
t'slirnatl' hr,11 many �111li�ns
111 rl'latl'd Sl'rViC('S till' d1urd1 has
dra,1n to th,•area.
A church-owned and -01wrall'd data­
procpssing rentl'r is consid1 n•c! to hl'
one t1f Soutlwr11 Californi;fs f1rwst. Till'
church's systl'm is so efficient th:it the
city of l'asalil'na ust.•s 11 to storl' sonll'or
its n•rnnts.
,\ print111g plant 11hl'rt' 1\10 mu11!hly
n ,ag:izines :ind a ,1 t'l'k I.:, m',1 spaper are
publislwd and a ll'll'\'1sion studio ,1 lwn·
the sy11d1call'd progran1 "ThL' World
Tnmornm .. is proclucl'd ron,pos,·
:rnothL'r part of the .\rmstrung l'mp1re
in Pas:ickna.
Till' rhurl'h also m, ns l:">O to �00
Ambassador ( nllt•gt· .\m!ilorlum has bt·c·onw amajor eullural landmark.
. '
·v , �·..,..�
f .. / -i
Th!' fhLirl'h 011 ns at lt'ast 150 rt·sidPm,·s stll'h as this in arl'a around tht' t·ampu,.
p;1rn·ls of prillll' rl's1clt·11t1;il prnpt·rt�· 111
ttw Orangl' (;r t,n• ,\n·11111.• ;1n·a
surro11nd111g lilt' �1.1 ;1<T1' ,\111h;1ss;1tlnr
l'nlkgl' ca111p11s .\\t•r;1gi• 1;1111,· tJI
honH's in thl' l'l,•g;111t turn Pf 111,··
l'l'ntury 1wigl11J11rl11111ll 1s �LiO.IJtlll
Tt1,· World11111l• ct111rd1 Fo11nd;1! 11111
also lws \l'IL'tl tu spc·r11L1k 1n l';1:,;1d1.·11;1
rt•al estatl'
\\ twn thL' fl'd t·r;1I
gnH'nH11L·nt \1:1nlt-d tu u11l,rnl lht· \
dl'I .\rro:,o l lntl'I . a �(Iii l'Olllll gntl11r
strud11rL· usnl ;h ;111 .\rllly t111sp1t:1l
during \\nrld \\ar 11 . tilt• \\'orld1111h•
Church oFFl·rL·d to purd1;1s,• the tn11l,l111g
and d1an ·. ·• 11110 adon111tory
It \I asn ·t until p11blk opposit11H1 to thl'
s;1IL· llL·t arm• \ot·;1l lhal the gowrn111L"nt
rlll'Hkd not to SL'II lhL' l>u1ld111g lo the
l'l1wct1 for �I.
· To sa.,· l'as;11kna and lll'rhert
.\rn,�tron. i.: ha\'l' lwcornl' 11111n• !11:in
1·1,1: ,· cnn1pa111ons 1s to say 1t r111lctly."
s;m1 a J
as:1dcna Cit\' Hall staFFL"r.
. •
i\t111 ct1;1111h1•r of Con1111efft• 11ff1r1als
;in• 1111rr11.•d that ttw 1h-p;1rtun• of !h1·
d1ul'l'h \\llUld dunip 700 !'oll1•g,• and
fo11ndat1"n e111pltl:,,•1•s 11110 th,· Job
(Conlinut·d on l'agt• .\·Ii. (ol. t1