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(Co11t1nuM1 rrorn IPlgot,\-� �.
··wr can· t kN.'11 our l1t'ads in the s.ind
;it>·,ut this:· :sas<I Holfr ,\mhyni, cxc-cullvc
di.r.:'l:tor or th1• l':isatkna · Ch:inibt--r of
Con 1nt<'ret'. ··W1• h::ive ;1 coniniltt� &ct up
"•thn thl' rhan11J. ..•r th.ii '-'OUld quickly hl'lp
1n l;.ecpLng th<' continuity or cmploymrnt.
T:h<'y n:•pf'\'��:·nt a i,1,,�1bh· nu111bc-r or ktn,sof
p11.•oplt' Y.ho \.\nrk in our 11,,,�nto'Afl, and 'Al'
\�f 111ld h,itc to s.'<' soml'lhmg 11kt' that hap­
· Wr hop1.' t� 1 1• rl111rrh 1"h1r
1,n't ll'aV<'. Th<'V
bc-..•n :1 goo11 :ind v:; IIK'd rl<'ighhor in
rh, comt11tinil., .. . .\ mh:, n1 said.
Whc>n Hc·rhc·rt Armstrong drdd1."1 20
ye.irs ?J::O 10 clln.'l.·t h•.s mipar from
Pas.:1ck•na, lw heg.m purchasing prop(�rty on
th(' 1H•:;krn t•)nkr or 6·1•,'11to1.H1 Pasa1k-na.
One dty 0Hw1al ,.·t,:1radcnwd th,� a�a as
! "tacl-.v and run do1,1,n·· \\-hl'n
.\rn1,twngenti·rc·d the pu:1urP.
1· ,ir-g: contnh1Jti11ns froni churrh
fnlh1,.-r, . .'\rn,,.tro11e:. his t101, PX·
C'or11niun1catN:1 son. l,:ir11<.'r ll'd; a1,a
attiJmc·y Staril<>y kad(•r built a n1odcm 40-
3C'l'l' toll<'f.?<' can1p11s cori1pl<'t•.' \\ith an
acouslic:illy pcrfed performing arts
auchtoriun1 and a sy-ten1 of l'lahoratc
rountalns. all sd In a n111n1cun.'11 landscap..'d
·· It's a hl'autilul institu\ion:· said
architfft and Padas('na <'ity br1..1trd n1emlK'r
:'rlortin1('r ··Tin1" �l:itth1'\�s. ··Th<'y c·an11.' in
anrl rC'no\'alC'd buildrn�s and built nc� ones.
It \I.OUld II(' \'1.'ry d1frlfult to find t,•o,1nts \\ho
uould la'<'p up the .mipt-rty in t111• san,I.'
H un1ors aoout the<' of \he I ZOOstudl'nt
cJr·1pus if th<' c-hurch 11<111·� l(•aw haw
spread throughout l'as:inl'M. Sonll· say
adl'Jtinistrator.; at l'asnd,)na C'rty C:oll('!;l'
a:� <'Y«'1ng th(' land as a pntpr,tlal s•:rond
othc•rs :-;peculatl' that l' . S('. n,lghl buy th<'
ho11o p!ace :ind usl' it fnr 1'xtcnsion rourS('!;
··O!X' tin1C' i r:1retio11sly s:1ld "" sho..ild try
and grt (;am1·r Tl'd ba'"� In nm
snir.l Bog:1:ird... I don t knov. 1f hl' 1.rnu!d
rN'elH' ttw s.ant1' fin:md;1\ �,1pport .,,s hi�
fnlhf'r rtict but I umkr-stand n,n• h<' 11: sup .
plSl�1 to h<' n VN)' insr, k;idcr. ··