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Just a reminder that the youth �onference
.1s fast approaching.
If you have not. done so y,2t, be sure
get the
names of your representatives to us immediately. We have to have this
information to properly plan for the conference. Thought you would
c3lso like to know we will be having an analysis of this year's con­
ference as a part of our Y.O.U. seminar at the Ministerial Conference.
Hope to see most of you there.
--Jim Thornhill,
TWO NEW FESTIVAL SITES FOR 1978 Feast of Tabernacles preparations
are already in
gear for 1978!
Site selections for next fall in
the United States are now nearly completed. At this date, it appears
that there will be two new cities. 'I'he list looks like this: Mount
Pocono, Jekyll Isl.and, -st-:- Petersburg, Big Sandy , Lake of Ozarks,
Wisconsin Dells, Tucson, Squaw Valley and Lahaina, Hawaii. The new
sites are SEATTLE and NOfil'OLK, Virginia. Pasadena will be restricted
to students staying on campus and employees required to stay at the
site. A new brochure is also underway -- more about that next time.
--Sherwin Mc.Michael, Festival Office
QlJEST / 78 LAUNCH IN AFRICA During the last 18 months, .r,,<.r. Herbert
Armstrong has visitt�d the governmental leaders of r,1ost of the 10
states that comprise Southern Africa. As a result of the wide
publicity and attention Mr. Armstrong's visits and message have
received here in Africa, AICF and the Church have become prominent
in the public eye.
So the launch of the international edition of
QUEST / 78 became a must.
Just before the Feast of Tabernacles, Jack Martin and Tony Vinter
(Q uest's !nternational Circulation Director ) arrived in South Africa
to investigate the possibilities for Q uest. An extre.
1ely competent
professional team was subsequently selected to handle the launch and
distribution of Q UEST / 78 in January.
Promotion of the magazine will
be e;<tensive throughout Southern Africa, with a great deal of free
publicity being offered to us.
The advertising firm, Bates Wells and Rostron, is one of the most
successful around. They have designed ads that will appear in trade
j ournals and consumer publications. They will also use radio spot
ads. Cinema ads ( cinemas are very popular in SA ) will be shown with
the films Star Wars and The Deep. Q UEST / 78 will be displayed in the
lobbies of theatres and also on sale at the concession stands. That
has nBver happened in SA before. 'rhe £inn will also prepare material
for each retail outlet to draw attention to Q UEST / 78. They are all
pulling out all the stops to do the best j ob possible.
The distributors, Central News Agency, are overwhelmingly the largest
and most prestigious in Southern Africa. CNA have given a full window
display, in all t.11eir top shops for the entire week of the launch to
Q UES'l' / 78, free of charge. They will also give ad space to Q UEST / 78
in �ewspapers in all ma j or cities. Again free! A public relwtions
firm. Group Editors, has been engaged by Q UEST / 78 to provide radio
and television interviews, press releases for trade j ournals and
consumer publications, etc.
David Hulme, from England and a minister in the Church, keeps his
finger on all the details and assures that everything that r.eeds doing
is done. And done in accordance with our overall aims and goals. He