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VOL. 3, NO. 16
MAY 7, 1979
--------------------------------··-··-- ----- - --
by Herbert W. Armstrong
In the Pastor's Report of April 17, some statements regarding myself
were made, with the best of intentions, designed to refute the false
rumor started by, regretfully, my son, that I am senile, my mental and
other faculties failing, and that I no longer head the Work -- and indeed
he falsely claims I don't even know what goes on at HEADQUARTERS.
Fellow ministers, most of you sat before �e during the Ministers'
Conference -- you have, or SHOULD have unless dilatory, observed and
heard ample evidence that my powers of leadership in this Work HAVE NOT
DETERIORATED. In fact, I have continued to GROW in grace and the KNOW­
LEDGE of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In order that the brethren, as well as the ministry, might KNOW
that my son's false accusation is a lie, I spoke, by prerecorded video
tape, at EVERY Feast site, both on the opening night, and the first Holy
Day morning.
I have been producing MORE WRITING than ever before in my life -­
until some ministers have said I write almost faster than they can keep
up with me by reading what I write -- in The PLAIN TRUTH, the GOOD NEWS,
the WORLDWIDE NEWS, the PASTOR'S REPORT, regular and even more frequently
than usual, Co-Worker letters, beside working on FIVE FULL HARD-BOUND
BOOKS to go into bookstores around the world.
Yet I sometimes wonder if some of you ministers have been "turned
off," by such false accusations or your own ego and prejudice, from
READING what the human head, UNDER JESUS Christ over the whole Work, has
written for YOU to read. IF there are any such the Living Head of this
Work will reveal it to me in His due time, and appropriate action will
be taken.
Let me here quote a portion of the Pastor's Report of April 17:
"Some ... (even a few ministers) have claimed that Mr.
Herbert W. Armstrong is cut off, isolated from the ministry, having
little or no contact with them."
Comment: I don't believe that either members or ministers claimed
that. But my son Garner Ted did spread the rumor, and some, supposing
all people begin to deteriorate mentally past age 60, have "swallowed"
the false rumor. Just this morning I saw a newspaper report that Henry
Ford II is now retiring at age 62. I have NOT retired -- I do not
personally believe in the American custom of retiring, and I am no more
"senile" in mind than I was at age 49 -- Garner Ted's age. In fact, his
current writings show that it is he, not I, who is becoming senile of mind.