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PASTOR'S REPORT, May 7, 1979
Page 2
But to continue the quote from the April 17 Pastor's Report:
Meredith usually contacts Mr. Armstrong at least two or three times a
week. Mr. Ellis LaRavia, Mr. Rader, Dennis Luker, Sherwin McMichael,
myself and others also have regular contact with him."
That is sufficient to show what I mean -- one could gain the
impression that the Church and all the Work is being run from Pasadena,
and that those in charge -- those at the HEAD of the Work, are in touch
with Mr. Armstrong, and keep him informed on what THEY decide!
The writer did not mean to convey that impression, yet I am convinced
several got that impression. Let us GET THIS STRAIGHT! JESUS CHRIST is
the HEAD OF THIS CHURCH. His Headquarters now are at the throne of God
the Father in heaven. Earthly human headquarters are WHEREVER CHRIST'S
APOSTLE IS -- whether at Tucson, Tokyo as it was last week, or Pasadena.
Actually "Headquarters" is not a PLACE, a BUILDING, or a CITY. It is
the one IN CHARGE! Since a year ago, I have again taken over complete
charge of the entire Work -- Church, College, Foundation.
Do I thus exalt myself, as some accuse? NEVER! Far from it. My
son Ted has said that HE, Ted, built the Church and the Work. I apologize
for him. JESUS CHRIST, the HEAD of this Church, built it. He used me,
starting when Ted was a little child three years old. My son Ted tried
to water down God's TRUTH.
He caused Christ to withdraw His blessing,
and has tried and is trying to DESTROY the Church of GOD! But CHRIST is
ALIVE -- the HEAD of this Church who BUILT IT, and He has chosen me as
His earthly apostle and leader IN CHARGE! I do not exalt myself -- I
exalt Jesus Christ, but HE has put me in charge, he£e on earth, UNDER
Just what IS my place in the Work?
Let me tell you what is my place in the Church -- and the entire
Work of God on earth.
More than 52 years ago, God put me through a traumatic experience
$Uch as few on earth have ever gone through.
He CONQUERED me. He showed me that His TRUTH was the precise
OPPOSITE of what I had been taught and believed. He swept my mind CLEAN
of every idea, belief, or teaching EXCEPT HIS TRUTH AS MADE CLEAR IN THE
BIBLE! He converted me in a thorough manner few if any others have
experienced. He brought me through a REAL repentance, a firmly estab­
lished faith, and then He by His grace gave me His Holy Spirit, and with
it the divine FAITH OF JESUS!
Then He caused others with whom I was fellowshipping (but not
joining) to open the way for me to preach six nights a week in a small
one room country school house near Eugene, Oregon. Following the 6-weeks'
meetings, I organized those converted into a local Church of God -- 19
were organized on God's pattern.
I appointed two as elders, beside
not incorporated for a few years,
-- not a human organization -- but we
After two more such extended meetings
myself, and two as deacons. We were
but we were an organized Spiritual