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PASTOR'S REPORT, June 11, 1979
Page 2
us to reach the British people more powerful:y than ever in the months
and years to come.
I am sure many of the other overseas areas had fine
offerings also and we will be reporting them as they come in.
Locally, one sad and yet happy note is that Mrs. Annie Mann died this
Sunday morning about 5:00 a.rn. As perhaps most of you ministers and wives
know, Mrs. Mann was a true "pioneer" in the Work and in Ambassador College.
She was the long-time "house mother" to many of our own wives, sisters,
and/or daughters and added a great deal to their lives--and the lives of
many of us men as well.
She was a sparky, hard-working and very zealous and loyal member of
God's Church to the very end. It is sad for us because we will certainly
miss her love and her example of dedication and loyalty. But, for her,
it is a blessing considering that death comes to all, that God gave her
93 wonderful years of accomplishment and joy and that she was able to con­
tribute so much to His Work and His college almost up to the end of her
very active life.
Let us reme��er to HONOR all such fine examples of outstanding service
and loyalty such as Mrs. Annie Mann!
Of a far more ominous nature is the news--which many of you know-­
that Wayne Cole and the dissidents have been "dredging up" from the past
all kinds of old reports, letters and memos which they can find which in
any way make the Work look "bad," appear to be contradictory, etc. This.
coupled with various reasonings and accusations based on this out-dated
information, is being sent out to many of you ministers.
I am sure that most of you are intelligent and mature enough to see
through the twisted fabric of various bits and pieces of truth mixed with
half-truth, lies mixed with speculation which are woven together in a dis­
torted manner to make Mr. Armstrong and God's Work look bad. If any of
you have sincere questions about this material--not only for your own sake
b�t to be able to answer others--please drop me a line about the specific
point and I wil4 try to see that we make a genuine answer to you and we
will �OT try to judge you or hold this inquiry against you in any way.
For I know that as fast as we put down one error, unfounded rumor or story,
-che dissidents seem to throw more "dust in the air" through additional
rumors, wild stories, or perverted accusations--all the more dangerous
because they often do contain a bit of truth hereand th�which lends
cre::ience to their overall accusations and "points" which are usually to­
tally untrue.
Let's always keep in mind the BIG PICTURE and how God has used--and
continues to use powerfully--His servant of some 52 years, Herbert W.
Armstrong.�And let's realize anew that all over this earth there are
literally tens of thousands of faithful brethren whose lives have been
tur�ed to God and His way through Mr. Armstrong and this very Work. Note
that God is continuing to bless and USE His Work worldwide to preach the
Gospel of the coming Kingdon: of God based on His law and loyalty to His
Fellow ministers and wives, while I am at it, let me extend a sincere
note of thanks to all of you who are faithful and loyal. You know who you
are. You have borne the heat of the battle and are continuing to prove
yourselves to God, and to the servants who have been entrusted with leader­
ship in His Work at this time. You do deserve our heartfelt thanks and