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PASTOR'S REPORT, June 11, 1979
Page 3
As the apostle Paul said of those elders who served well in the
full-time Work of his day, you deserve "double honor"--and I am sure that
many of your brethren realize this and do honor you, pray for you and en­
courage you. But I do want you to know that Mr. Armstrong and all of us
out here on the "P.A.D. team" do appreciate the fact that the vast major­
ity of God's ministers, worldwide, are so wa�m, so dedicated, so loyal
and so Christian!
In Malachi 3:16-18, God speaks of those who truly fear Him and honor
His name. And He says:
"And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts,
in that day when I make up my JEWELS; and I will spare them, as a man
spareth his own son that serveth him" (verse 17).
I am absolutely sure that many of you fine dedicated ministers and
wives will be among the leading "jewels" that God will spare from the great
tribulation soon to occur. For you daily prove to Him that you are not
"looking" for an excuse to get your feelings hurt, to turn aside to to
cause sorrow and division within the very body of Jesus Christ. Rather,
through often unsung loyalty and service, you are establishing the FACT
in God's record book that you will remain faithful to Hirn and His Govern­
ment no matter what.
Thank you for the fine example so many of you set.
With Christian love,
Roderick C. Meredith
(Editor's :�ote: ?ollowing is the essence of an official Church news re­
lease given to the press Thursday, June 6.)
The Prime Minis�er of Tunisia, Mr. Hedi �ouira, received Mr. Herbert W.
Arrr.stron9, M.r. Stanley R. Rader and Mr. Tokuo Yamashita at noon, June 5th
�n the Palace at the Casbah in Tunis.
'1r. Armstrong, Pastor General of the Worldwide Church of God and founder
of �he Arr
�assador International Cultural Foundation and Mr. Yamashita, a
senior member of the Japanese Diet, discussed at length a proposed pro­
ject of triangular cooperation between the government and people of Tuni­
sia, the United States and Japan in the domain of nutrition. The meeting
was also attended by the Minister of Planning as well as the Chief of
Staff of �he Cabinet of the Prime Minister.
Mr. Armstron9 explained the Church's long interest in improving nutrition­
al values everywhere, including various agriculturai projects -.::.n :i studies
that had been carried on for many years under the auspices of Ambassador
College in Texas. Mr. Dale Schurter, a minister of the Worldwide Church
of God and former head of the Ambassador c;ollege agricultural program at
Bi9 Sandy, �et with Mr. Armstron9 prior to his departure for T�nisia to
discuss current developments with him i� this very important fie:�.