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VOL. 3,
NO. 23
lS. 1979
by Herbert W. Armstrong
This thought came to me as I was eating breakfast this morning: In
all this world's history God has never started an important Work, or Special
Activity through a chosen human, and then, after that Special accomplish­
ment is well-advanced, ALLOWED His chosen human leader to be overthrown by
Satan--or in any way to turn false:
Yet those promoted high within that Work or special activity for God,
have been allowed to turn false, against God's chosen leader.
Start with Moses--specially called and chosen
ite slaves out of Egypt and to the promised land.
human faults and weaknesses--but he also had human
him the extra strength needed.
by God to lead the Israel­
Moses was human. He had
strengths, and God gave
Moses' brother, Aaron, had been elevated high as Moses' spokesman
(since Moses had a speech impediment--he stuttered). Aaron, with his sister
Miriam, did once turn false and say to Moses, in effect: "Who do you think
you are? We are just as high--on a level with you." God punished.
Then there was Korah. He and others associated with him in a rebellion
had been raised to high position in the nation Israel--a nation emigrating
from Egypt with 2� or more million people (600,000 men age 20 and above,plus
women and children).
There was real organization within that nomadic nation, but none equal
to Moses in top authority under God--and no "number two" man, in authority
over all except Moses.
Yet Korah and his fellow-dissidents were not satisfied with their already
lofty positions--they wanted to "GET"--take to themselves MORE AUTHORITY,
EQUAL TO MOSES. God caused the earth to swallow them up.
But the man God had prepared in advance, the man God chose as His in­
strument in STARTING the tremendous project of moving some 2� million people
to the promised land--was never allowed by God to go wrong.
Yet Moses was abused, accused, criticized.
The same with Joshua, the man God chose to take over after Moses' job
was completed, and pilot God's people across the Jordan river into the pro­
mised land.
Joshua remained FAITHFUL: