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PASTOR'S REPORT, June 18, 1979
Page 2
Jesus Christ appointed Peter chief apostle to Israel, and Paul chief
apostle to the Gentiles. They were falsely accused, opposed, criticized-­
but neither was allowed by CHRIST to turn wrong--though some under them did
turn wrong.
In our time, God first prepared, then called me unmistakably, to raise
up the Philadelphia era of God's Church--at this END-TIME just before the
end of this world--and to proclaim the GOOD NEWS of the World Tomorrow and
the Kingdom of God. That was 46 years ago--though God called and chose me
52 years ago.
But what has happened in that 46 years? My elder son, Richard David,
was taken in death--dying "in harness" on a baptizing tour--the most loved
of the ministers in God's church, because he exuded so much LOVE! But then
my second son
along, "prepared" in all the evils of enlisted men in
the U.S. Navy, and made number two man (this was MY mistake, not yet then
realizing God has never used a "number two" man in authority). I delegated
considerable authority to Ted, but he went way beyond what I delegated,
and assumed TOTAL AUTHORITY, trying to cut me off completely--which meant
also cutting off all above him (which meant cutting off Jesus Christ and
God Almighty)
There were also others that were either POWER-hungry, or
money-hungry (probably mostly the former).
I came to LOVE, to ENTRUST AUTHORITY to, to honor and respect Albert
Portune, David Antion, C. Wayne Cole, Raymond Cole, Ron Dart--all men high
in God's Work today, as Korah and his fellows were in Moses' day. And now
WHERE ARE THEY? All are trying to DESTORY the very WORK OF GOD they once
sought to climb the ladder in its SUPPORT. Today the living Christ, Head
of the Church, is SETTING IT BACK ON GOD'S TRACK, yet these dissidents would
have you think Christ's apostle and even the Church has gone sour--and,
like vultures of the sky, they figuratively hover over it, waiting for this
that and the other member to DIE SPIRITUALLY, so they may gobble up the
remains! They no ,longer seek to build--they seek to DESTROY!
Well Brethren, just where do we stand AT THE MOMENT? During the past
year this Church of the living GOD has been at least 75% set back on God's
track. We are getting frighteningly close to the END of this age. This
church was drifting into a Laodicean condition.
(Incidentally, both the
"Sardis" and the "Laodicean" eras of the church were GOD'S CHURCHES--NOT
SATAN'S!) Someone spread the false rumor that I have said these others
were or will be Satan's churches. The Sardis era in the main had become
spiritually dead--had rejected too much of GOD'S TRUTH--was accomplishing
virtually NOTHING in spreading the true Gospel to the world (indeed had no
clear conception of what that Gospel is). The Laodicean church will be
characterized by spiritual lukewarmness--half of its membership (Matt. 25:
1-13) will be shut out of the Kingdom of God.
But, the BAD NEWS, as it appears today, my dear brethren, is that we,
undoubtedly of the "Philadelphia" era--my son's ridicule notwithstanding-­
are in serious danger of BECOMING also the "Laodicean era." I am personally
much concerned about that. If YOU are NOT concerned, then indeed we are
in mortal DANGER!
Satan is pulling out ALL STOPS now to DESTROY THIS CHURCH OF GOD! No
matter how angrily and vehemently they deny it, SATAN is USING these former