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“For since the creation of the world HIS INVISIBLE ATTRIBUTES ARE CLEARLY SEEN
‘BEING UNDERSTOOD’ by the things
that are made, even His eternal powers
and Godhead, so they are without excuse”
(Romans 1:20;
pf. Psalm 19:1-6).
Beginning Our Study
Let us now begin our study of these little known and less practiced laws found here in these two
chapters; Statutes God’s Elect will be teaching others in the millennium. Realizing this, these laws of
God should be very important and meaningful to our understanding as His people.
The laws here and elsewhere teach practical daily lessons that are designed to instill within us
important lessons that we normally should know by just analyzing what we see in the creation. This can
also be learned by observing others as well as what we see sometimes within our own selves.
The Teachings from Nature Itself
Nature itself teaches lessons that can be learned by studying God’s creation. Created therein is perfect
ecology—it takes care of itself. There is distinction, diversity, purity, harmony, and beauty within it.
Balance of nature
FromWikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Balance of Nature"
balance of nature
is a theory that proposes that ecological systems are usually in a stable equilib-
rium (
), which is to say that a small change in some particular parameter (the size of a par-
ticular population, for example) will be corrected by some
negative feedback
that will bring the param-
eter back to its original "point of balance" with the rest of the system. It may apply where populations
depend on each other, for example in predator/prey systems, or relationships between herbivores and
their food source. It is also sometimes applied to the relationship between the Earth's ecosystem, the
composition of the atmosphere, and the world's weather.
Gaia hypothesis
is a balance of nature-based theory that suggests that the Earth and its ecology
may act as co-ordinated systems in order to maintain the balance of nature.”
End of Quotes
This is not a theory, but proven to be factual in and of itself! However,
problems develop in the ecosystem in one way or another when man
interferes with it.
Consider further another teaching from nature regarding the distinc-
tion between a man and a woman wherein the Apostle Paul makes known
the lesson of distinction and diversity by addressing the differences
between the length of hair for men and women: