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What to Do When Your Mate Will Not!
will make your mate feel good and make you feel good.
Do Good for Evil
But what do you do when your mate does you wrong?
What do you do when that "fight back" response wells up
inside you? You must do something, because you are about
to explode. But what do you
Accept your
mate by concentrating
on the good points.
There is something
of quality about
Do what Jesus Christ
said to do: "Love your ene–
mies, bless those who curse
you, do good to those who
hate you, and pray for those
who spitefully use you and
persecute you" (Matt. 5:44).
When you do it out of an
attitude of genuine love, it
works miracles. What are
those miracles?
First of all, you help
yourself get rid of the stress
and frustration. Love is the
greatest stress releaser there is in human conflict. Giving
good for evil transforms your negative energy into positive
energy. It makes you feel good in spite of the abuse you may
be receiving.
Doing good for evil gives you a shot of happy medicine
that is able to cure your marital blues. You will not need
sedatives and tranquilizers.
When your mate rails against you with harsh words, still
the troubled waters by saying soft and pleasant things. And
let us add, saying it at the right time is also important.
Sometimes doing good is saying nothing while your mate is
angry. In these situations it is best to let any anger be vented
before you say a word. Later, when the atmosphere has
cooled down, you can say the pleasant and sweet words that
produce peace. If you do this you will be amazed at how "a
soft answer turns away wrath" (Prov. 15:1).
This miracle even has the power to transform your
mate's whole approach toward you. He or she may be accus-